Boxes Boxes Boxes

I have this week off and in an effort to do a major sort out with stuff have bought over the past few years I have been going through this in order to sort it out to put it into storage; keeping only those items I want and disposing of those items not wanted to our local charity shop. Needless to say I have found an awful lot of stuff I had forgotten I had had, so it has been quite pleasant re-discovering it so to speak. Trouble is I like junk shops, charity shops, auctions, car boots and Ebay .... and am a bit of a hoarder to boot. I have also been scheduling what I am keeping and am doing an inventory so that any items I am after can be retrieved from storage quite easily. Dealing with this will also make more room in the house as I want to have a dedicated Reiki/Meditation room eventually and also a spare room for guests to stay over/craft room. The idea is that eventually and hopefully the Reiki will pay for the storage so killing two birds with one stone.

Finally, and at long last I am now beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel. But its back to the grind tomorrow and more boxes.


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