2011.10.08 My Day

Its been a very busy day today. It did not start too auspiciously as OH had indicated that he would get me up.  The alarm went off he went back to sleep so I sort of got up in a hurry.  I attended my course which was very intense, thought provoking and by did it get the little grey cells working overtime.  A very successful and enjoyable course.  Thank you Jackie.  I walked home choosing to do so in order that I could put my rambling random thoughts into some perspective.  I always think deep and long when I walk  a habit that my Pop cultivated in me as a youngster as he and my father used to walk me everywhere.

As a result I am completely shattered and intend to have an early night tonight however at the moment I am still not ready for up. I have been sat in the silence and the dark with only my small TV lamp on, thinking, enjoying the peace and quiet and not even having the television on.  It has been nice to sit in the quiet and let my rambling mind quieten itself from frenzied to calm.  From time to time I have been writing posts, with a wool shawl wrapped round my shoulders but I have been enjoying sitting in the silence and letting my mind wander - I have been content. Its cosy and the heating has been put on for the first time as it is a cold evening out.  It has been raining since I left my course, but that moisture is well needed as everywhere is so dry. I would dearly love a proper fire to relax in front - there is something dreamy and soothing about a crackling fire as well as the heat it gives out.

Because I have played hookey and not got home until about 6.25pm there have been none of my usual routines  -  this weekend I have not been shopping and so we are making do with what I have to hand and making the most that is available.  I have been over to see Tiddles he is fed and warm and I have played with him for  a short while as his owner has gone out for the evening.  Squeak is cuddled up as close as she can get and Demetri is camped out in the bathroom on his rug.  Missy is with OH flat out chasing rabbits.  Every so often she comes down to check I am okay and for a bit of a fuss.

I have a lot to do tomorrow around the house including the washing and other bits and bobs which I must attend to.

I have a feeling I am not going to take much rocking tonight.

Take care and catch you soon




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