Scrubbing brush at the ready

Am quite pleased have had a good day on the cleaning front although still far more to do.  Have just stopped for a few minutes break before I start again. But I am starting to make progress.  When I do a deep clean I clean absolutely everything and I mean my kitchen gadgets, baking tins and everything gets a good seeing too.  I have also managed to wash one part of the wall down, a couple of door frames and a couple of doors down as well.  I always love it after giving everything a good clean as it always smells nice and fresh.  

I have used the last of the tea towels and am waiting on the tumbler to deliver more before I start off again.  Should not be too long now.  Floor will get done once everything else has been tackled and everything back in its place.  I have a new scrubbing brush ready to use.  Even though I get stiff I prefer giving the floor a good going over with a scrubbing brush as to me it brings things up ever so much cleaner.  Really need new flooring but that is going to have to wait a while as it needs it through the house.  But we will deal with that a bit at a time.

Right here we go again.

Glamourous life style I lead! not!

Catch you soon.




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