Blackcurrants, Pears and Peaches

I love blackcurrants, especially if turned into home made Cassis.  I love these on a cheesecake and "Ribena" in cordial form although I have never made this.  I also intend to do some syrup for pancakes as well.  I might if I can find a good supply also bottle some in syrup for topping my cheesecakes in the winter months.  I might also freeze a few as well.  Will see what I can come up with.  I noticed that they had some in Waitrose the other day and as I am in town again today I may well see what they have and whether or not it is going to be a viable exercise.

I am also after some pears.  At the veg shop the other day they had some Fiorelli pears that are ideal for canning/bottling in syrup so I may well get a batch of those and do a bulk batch at the weekend as well.  I need to get some of these goodies onto the pantry shelf for use within the winter months.  I am starting to work out the kind of things I want on the pantry shelf.

I also love Peaches especially peach and chilli chutney which is yum.  However I also like five spice pickled peaches, canned peaches in syrup, peach jam.... the list goes on.  So I intend to do a few of these as well.

Hopefully as I said yesterday I will be able to forage first thing and get some blackberries preserved that will be first thing in the morning.  I will be meeting my friend later in the day for a much needed catch up so will have a look at the fruit in Waitrose on my way back.

Is there anything that you like to put up on your pantry shelves from the wild larder.

Catch you later.




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