Complete and utter pratt

You know how it is when you get a new job.  You are trying to follow instructions but somewhere along the line things don't go right and you end up making yourself look a right utter pratt.  Well you have guessed it, it has been one of those weeks for me.  Not from anything am doing but more from real life conspiring against me and things not happening as they should.  My immediate line Manager as a result has serious concerns about me! Generally speaking I think that I am one of these people who works out parameters by actually doing stuff wrong.  It does not help that we have several sets of passwords to access different things - passwords have never been my forte and I regularly have to update the ones I do have in order to access whatever it is I am trying to get into.  At home that is not so much of a problem but at work the whole purpose is to keep that information secret so it is not as easy.

Perhaps I am trying a tad too hard and with all the stuff we have to take on board and remember!

Needless to say I have been missing for the best part of this week as after having got in from work and had tea I have ended up nodding off to sleep dribbling.  OH has let me sleep.  It has been a week of crashing out.

I had not appreciated it either, but tomorrow is my first Saturday working.  I went in as normal this morning and was told I should not be in as today was my day off.  So here I am - trying to play catch up and about to set too in the bedroom to try and organise some more stuff.

As I said - I am coming over as  a right and utter pratt.  It will not happen again though.  So now should be able to track the weekends I am and am not working and reintroduce some normality back into my life.

Right I am off to potter.

Catch you soon.




  1. Just give it some time and be a bit more easy on yourself!


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