Sunday morning Shenanigans

Its muggy and feels as though it is going to rain.  We have already had two or three light showers.  Have been to my mum's today to do some more sorting.  Haven't quite got everything done so will be going back sometime next weekend this time to finish off.  I have bought a lot of plant pots and trays etc. back with me as well as mum's tall bird bath.  My sister in law also has a smaller one.  We have shared everything between us.  Its still in the car I have to unpack it yet, but had just stopped for a quick something to eat. 

I also need to get the two covers on my mini greenhouse so that I can extend my seed growing.  Nearly every Artichoke seed I have planted is sprouting.  The mixed lettuce seed is really come on now - I will have to plant some more this week so that I have successional sowing and so I have a ready supply of lettuce leaves without resorting to having to buy them.  All the other seeds are starting to sprout as well.

Once I have the car unloaded I am going to start popping stuff in out of the back bedroom so that it can then be taken down to the unit during the week. So a lot to be going on with.

Right better get a wriggle on will catch you later on.




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