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Possibilities and Rhubarb Compote/Puree

Am so sorry have been missing in action for the past day or so.  Things have been very busy here.  I eventually got to my preserving.  Been frustrating getting there, but did it eventually. Got up early this morning specifically to deal with it and from just under 3kilo of Rhubarb I now have 8 jars of puree for the Pantry shelf.  I think this is going to be a useful item for making all sorts of puddings. The bulk of the work has been done, so it will make it quicker to make puddings straight off the Pantry shelf - probably just make a cake or a bit of pastry and you have a pudding. Technically speaking could rustle up something quite quickly.  However what inspires me is the possibilities of what I can cook and how I can use said preserve. At the moment I am thinking that this puree could be used in the following: Mini Rhubarb Ambers; A large Rhubarb Amber; Used to fill small pastry tarts; In yogurt as part of breakfast; On Muesli or on porridge; On top of Cheesecakes, Used to make a F

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