Running out of Steam

 Today has been a busy day.  Washing accomplished and line dried.  Now in the pile for ironing.  Still more to do hopefully tomorrow, however if it is wet (there is a chance of some rain showers tomorrow) then it will just be delayed.

I have spent time in the kitchen trying to tidy things up a bit including a lot of washing up.  The washing up was accomplished and then I set too to make a proper cooked meal which I was in need of.  Today I used the last of the chipolatas up for a Toad in the Hole.  I served this with some of the veggies I obtained in my little haul yesterday.  The veggies I selected were mashed potatoes, steamed Broccoli, Carrots and Peas. and an onion gravy. Went down very nicely.  Managed to get a portion of the Toad in the Hole for tomorrow night's tea as well.  Just have to cook some fresh veg.  Might do some Cabbage and Cauliflower tomorrow to ring the changes a bit.  I like Cabbage with sausages.  Really enjoyed it.

However, despite spending time in the Kitchen today I did not get to the Rhubarb.  That has now been postponed until tomorrow when I intend to make Rhubarb Compote for the Pantry shelf.  Should be able to serve it with cream cheese in a homemade Cheesecake as well as pies and tarts.  I am following the recipe for Rhubarb and Apple Compote from the Le Parfait Recipe website, which is predominantly Water Bath processed recipes (in the UK this is often referred to as Bottling).  Predominantly the Le Parfait recipes are for Water Bathing rather than Pressure Canning as they adopt the European way of preserving which Countries like France, Germany, Italy, and many other countries have used for hundreds of years and which work.

The Le Parfait website is here:

Le Parfait Recipe Website

The direct recipe link is here:

Apple and Rhubarb Compote Recipe

I am looking forward to getting this processed tomorrow and up onto the Pantry shelf once it has cooled down.  Otherwise I have been perusing the Internet for some recuperation time as after the past few days I have gradually run out of steam.  Hopefully be back on form again tomorrow.

Catch you soon.




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