Possibilities and Rhubarb Compote/Puree

Am so sorry have been missing in action for the past day or so.  Things have been very busy here. 

I eventually got to my preserving.  Been frustrating getting there, but did it eventually.

Got up early this morning specifically to deal with it and from just under 3kilo of Rhubarb I now have 8 jars of puree for the Pantry shelf.  I think this is going to be a useful item for making all sorts of puddings. The bulk of the work has been done, so it will make it quicker to make puddings straight off the Pantry shelf - probably just make a cake or a bit of pastry and you have a pudding. Technically speaking could rustle up something quite quickly.  However what inspires me is the possibilities of what I can cook and how I can use said preserve.

At the moment I am thinking that this puree could be used in the following:

  • Mini Rhubarb Ambers;
  • A large Rhubarb Amber;
  • Used to fill small pastry tarts;
  • In yogurt as part of breakfast;
  • On Muesli or on porridge;
  • On top of Cheesecakes,
  • Used to make a Fool (a mix of pureed fruit and custard);
  • With Rice pudding;
  • In the middle of a cake or sponge with fresh cream;
  • In a Roulade;
  • In Mille-feuilles;
  • As a base for Creme Brulee;
Anywhere you can creatively use it.

The only thing I am not sure of is whether I have used the right sized jars - basically I used what I had, but I might in future use a pint jar to make this in.

Now I have deviated from the recipe somewhat. I used the Le Parfait Recipe for Apple and Rhubarb Compote. Rhubarb and Apple Compote/Puree.

The recipe said to use apples and Rhubarb. I have just used Rhubarb.  A trial really as G likes Rhubarb.  Not much sugar in either.  I only used 150g of Sugar and then bunged the mixture through the blender to smooth everything.  I did add a little water as it came up really thick, but it is now quite a nice consistency and will be ideal for some of the puddings I have in mind over the winter months.  The taste of the Rhubarb is definitely there and tangy and the sugar is just enough I do not think you need anymore.  Will see how it goes in the actual eating.  However have enjoyed doing this.   

Rhubarb all washed and ready to be chopped up.

Cut into medium sized chunks.

Starting to fill the pot.

That is all the Rhubarb chopped up.

Starting to stew the Rhubarb down.

After blitzing in the Blender - nice and smooth.  It came up quite thick so I added a little water and then heated it up again so that it was nice and hot to bottle into hot jars.

After decanting into the bottles and putting the lids on and before going into the Water Bath.

After processing for 45 minutes in the Water Bath.  I left for 10 minutes in the pot to cool a little before popping on a wooden board to let the jars sit overnight.  I shall check the jars tomorrow to make sure that the jars have all pinged and that we have a total seal on the jars.

It has gone a lovely yellowy green colour.  Should be ideal for tarts or a Rhubarb Amber (Pastry tart filled with the Rhubarb, covered with Italian Meringue and then cooked in the oven to set the Meringue.  To be served chilled.  You can do the same with Plums, apples, oranges and of course Lemons!

I also tidied the Pantry out this morning as well and gave that a good scrub out.  Got things a bit more organised, however have managed to use quite a lot of stuff this month, and will now need to replace it.  That is what it is there for though, to provide when pennies are tight and to have a good general stock of everything.  Serves a purpose and saves pennies in the longer term.

Success all 8 jars have sealed on checking them on Saturday morning.  Well chuffed on that.

For tea this evening we had sausages and mixed roast veggies which went down very nicely.  It is a popular dish here and is ideal for using up left-over veg as is a stir fry.  It was followed by a tin of pears.  I find a little bit of fruit makes a refreshing finish to a hefty tea, just something light to finish things off.

When I fished the pears out for tea tonight I also brought out a tin of Strawberries and used this a bit later on to make a homemade milk shake.  Went down very nicely.

It was good to play this morning, and get back into the kitchen.  All sorts of ideas came to mind as I was playing in the kitchen, but more on those another day.

I am in the kitchen again tomorrow this time tidying up and hopefully getting to a little baking later on in the day.  Not had any baking for a while, it is time I did some.

Right have a good one.

Catch up soon.





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