You Learn Something New Everyday

 A gentle introduction to the day this Sunday.  Just taking our time and rushing nowhere. I am  a bit shattered after all my efforts for the past couple of days and so am just pottering on the Internet doing what I please. I also reacted to some of the sap off the weeds I did pull, despite being careful.  Had to put some antiseptic on last night to calm things down a bit.  Fortunately only slight signs on one arm this morning after both of them going very red yesterday. Plans for today include a do as you please attitude and if I feel like something I will, but nothing strenuous today time for a rest day for my body.  Plan to get stuck in again tomorrow.  It has been warm here today, but overcast.  Good drying weather.

Breakfast for me this morning was Granola with lovely cold milk.  Which reminds me I need to make a couple of batches of Granola up for the Pantry shelf.  That is on the To do List for this week. I am allowing myself a small "To do List" as an aide memoire for getting things done in the house this week as I will also be out in the garden again.  

The "To do List" thus far for this week:

  • Plant some Mustard and Cress containers up.  Useful for Egg and Cress Sarnies or an addition to a salad plate;
  • Plant some Beetroot seed;
  • Plant some Lettuce Leaves;
  • Plant some Mixed Salad Leaves;
  • Plant some Garden Mint;
  • Plant some other herbs;
  • Rescue the Rhubarb and make Rhubarb puree and possibly fruit Leather.  Will see how it goes;
  • Make a couple of batches of Granola;
  • Attempt a new Sourdough Starter and get it on the go;
  • Dry some bread crusts for storage in the Pantry and for using in bread sauce, stuffings etc.;

As I have already mentioned I have been weeding and I have been digging  up out of the pavement and the patio in-between the gaps a plant which has lilac pinky flowers.  Indeed, the other evening I pressed some of the flowers. 

This is my photo:

The one below is the one that was on the website and is not my photo, at the time of writing this post though I could not get my photo to download.

I have been mooching through Marshalls site on the Internet looking at seeds, and found this picture of what is known as a Potted Mallow plant.  Link is here:

Common Mallow

It is apparently also edible.  Look at the information on the Common Mallow link above.  I certainly did not know this so I may well pot up a few after clearing the nuisance ones out of the places where they are not wanted.  You learn something new everyday.  All I was doing was looking for seeds!

Going on now to an article that popped up in my News feed about saving things such as Orange peel, pumpkin and squash seeds and onion skins all of which have vital nutrients in them.  The link is here if you would like to read the short article.

Reusing "Scraps"

This is something I have been doing for quite a while in any event.  There are various things that you can do from "scraps" that save the pennies as well.  I predominantly zest oranges, lemons, limes for homemade "flavoured sugars" which go well in cakes and also sprinkled on pancakes.  Handy when you do not have the actual fruit to hand which often happens here for one reason or another.

I have therefore had a rest day today and I have appreciated it.  As I mentioned earlier weather has been overcast for most of the day and now the sunshine is out and about!  Ah well cannot have it always.  To tell you the truth I had not realised what the time was either.  

Right am off to chill again.  If only I can find my foot pedal for my sewing machine can start playing a bit.  Still not located and I do not have a knee control for the machine.  It will turn up.

Have a lovely evening everyone whatever you are up to.

Catch you soon.




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