Frying tonight

It has been far too hot today so much so I feel like I have been fried!  I am not one for the heat anyway never have been and I also have to be careful because excess heat can trigger a full on epileptic attack as my temperature gauge is and has been on the blink for sometime.  I am a creature of ambient temperature more than anything else in reality.

I think the human race needs to get a grip on things.  This recent heat spell has brought home the realities to me of our need for water and the fact that the human race is not a very good caretakers of this our planet our terra firma. 

Seeing press reports like this due to the drought in Australia is very worrying especially for the animals as they are the vulnerable ones and are the ones who pay a price from a situation not of their making.  They are an intrinsic part of the various eco systems throughout the earth.

This in reality could be us and when you see reports like this and then saying that the fair weather is going to last through to October October then there is certainly a very big and drastic change in our climate.  Is this a one off or a taste of things to come.

I think things have got to change.  We are all indirectly responsible for global warming and this issue with plastics, really does need addressing now not in a couple of years time.  Whatever happened to wax wraps/greaseproof paper and paper bags.  Glass in preference to these plastic bottles, with a return policy where you get a payment for the return.  That is taking care of resources not squandering them.  

I am trying to get rid of the plastic.  I never really wanted it in any event but it is one of those things that have been foisted on us. I was quite happy with brown paper bags.  At least they are biodegradable and glass bottles which are recyclable.

I for one have had enough of the heat, it is making me not feel well and I am getting very grouchy which is not like me at all.  I think the only way we are going to get rid of the plastic is like we did with the carrier bags, ask the manufacturers for glass instead of plastic.

In fact one company would seem to be ahead of the game see here Kilner

Rant over..... going to try and find a cool corner.

Catch you soon.


Updated:  There is a petition to get rid of all plastic and packaging by Greenpeace

Will you sign this please:



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