Another Quiet Day

I attempted a really early night last night and it did not work.  I was very tired, but in the early hours hardly got a wink of sleep.  Will attempt another early night tonight as I really do need it.  Feeling drained again and cannot settle to anything.

Today has been another day that did not go to plan. I had to complete some unexpected paperwork and get it into the post, that took me a little while to deal with together with required enclosures which I also had to locate.  However all now done and dusted and hopefully that has put that little issue to bed.

In the end I decided just to give up and do absolutely nothing even though I am itching to get on with things. Did some surfing on the Internet on a couple of things am interested in It has been a dull and intermittently wet day today and not one where I could get washing dried.  That is another week out of the way with as we are on Friday again tomorrow. I am not quite sure where time is going to at the moment.  Hopefully the weather might be better tomorrow.  Fingers crossed and toes plaited.  I hope so as I have so much to do on all fronts and I really want to be doing it and getting it out of the way.  Focus Patricia, focus!  (Me telling me off - I am only ever called Patricia when I am in bother - well at least by my family!).

It will be very much a kitchen day tomorrow though as I need to get cleared for the weekend.  Pantry and fridge also need sorting out.

Right off to do nothing for a change.

Have a lovely evening whatever you might be up to.

Catch you soon.



We had our duplicate meal of fish as we had yesterday and yet again this went down very nicely.  Now completely stuffed.


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