I am not where I should be

 Sorry for not being here as much as usual.  Not in the right headspace at the moment, although the effect of me not writing posts is resulting in me prepping for future posta so not completely out of the arena.

There is so much I would like to accomplish on the preserving front and I am not in a position to do anything at the moment.  However a long term project is arising out of that.  I am not totally giving up on this year, however I am planning to get things organised and sorted for next year so that I get an early start with everything, wherever I may be.  It involves me learning a lot of new to me stuff along the way.

Despite my plans on getting the Pantry all stocked up as well, things are not doing well on that front either.  There is still a chance will be able to pull this around by autumn which was the date I originally hoped to get all stocked up for the winter. However there is a lot to do in several areas.  I am also trying to sort out a list of preserves that I rely on heavily during the year to also get made even though it will be a restricted list to what I would normally do.  However, I am going to be concentrating on the veggies for the Pantry shelf as well as some simpler things that do not cost too much to prep but are equally useful to have on the Pantry shelf.  Going back to basics as it were and doing what I can with what I have at any

The house sort out is not going well at the moment either.  Things have stalled.  Perhaps because I have been under the weather and very tired and drained again and not in the right frame of mind although it is desperately driving me nuts.  I do not think am trying to achieve too much as for the past few days I have done very little in the greater scheme of things.  Fingers crossed will be back into the swing of things soon.

Please therefore bear with me.  I just need a bit of recharge time and space for me.  I rarely get time on my own these days just to simply be, do some meditation or something that really interests me.  I am okay, just may not post everyday until I get back into the flow of things again and I am in the right headspace. Just being easy on myself and listening too my body for a change.

Will be back shortly and where I can.

Catch you soon.




  1. Take care - try not to stress yourself too much.

    1. Thank you Margie, had a lovely walk this morning and a little forage which seems to have done me some good. I still intend to take things steady though and if there is a post in me will post. Think part of the problem is that have not been able to get out and about because of all the rain have had. I had also intended to go into the garden and do a little sink the fingers into soil to ground myself literally and rain stopped play on that also. I have also found that sometimes I lose the muse and the words escape me also then I find it difficult to compose a post. Thing is I enjoy this space of mine for the best part and sometimes that space is needed to pick things up a bit. Hope you are okay in any event. Take care Tricia xx

  2. I hope you can have some time outside of the house to recharge your batteries (hark who's talking!) You do so much and seem to be forever tidying your things which you have in store. I look forward to hearing about your preserving again when you are able to get back to it.

    1. Hi BB, managed to get out for a walk with Missy and do a bit of nosing in the Hedgerow which seems to have done a bit of good although I know I have to take things steady. I took such joy in nosing about and in the moment with an elderly Jack Russell hot on my heels. I do not think the weather with all the rain we have had recently has helped much. Normally can get into the garden and start doing a bit but have not been able to do that because of the rain. You take care xx

  3. I am glad you are listening to what your body is telling you. You sound worn out by trying to do so much. 2 years ago I was really struggling with the death of 2 close family members, sorting out their estates and caring for my disabled son all at the same time. The saying that kept me going when I felt really exhausted was "you can only do what you can do". It gave me permission just to stop and rest and take stock. Even the busiest people need that sometimes. Take care. X

    1. Hi Tracy, am trying to. Managed to get out for a lovely walk this morning and was able to rootle around the Hedgerows so that was rather joyful as I found some Blackberries and also spotted what is yet to come by way of apples, Beech Mast, Blackberries. Was good to get out. Am sorry for your loss, and grief. We all grieve differently but one thing I do know is that has to come out in the way that suits you best and at your own pace and time. There are no limits on how long it takes. I agree with the phrase "you can only do what you can do" but I have always been one to push the barriers. It is never easy with caring for someone who is incapacitated in any way and you have my admiration for so doing. They are just wired differently and it would not do if we were all the same. We all have something to bring to each other's lives. You take care too xx


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