Plans today Fell Apart

 As yet again I had to deal with some paperwork - filling in a document online that would not save by the conventional methods and so I had to get a little creative.  In the end, after a lot of faffing about I managed to get the document filled in without the content removing itself.  It took me about five hours to sort it out in the end, with several tries and several tweaks eventually got there.

It has been another wet and miserable day.  Unfortunately I managed to leave washing out and it got wet.  Been out but still not dry and so have left it again.  Hopefully tomorrow will sort things out a bit and will get everything dried.

I was going to make homemade Pizza tonight as I had all the ingredients to hand in the fridge.  Unfortunately it fell about that there was an offer on at the local shop to buy two pizzas and get a free pack of beer for £5.  G therefore went and got some and I added some further toppings to it.  Not my preferred way but it was cheap and cheerful and that is what counts at the moment.  The bottle of beer went down well too - I only had access to one!  Not that I could have drunk anymore in any event as I do not really drink that much, but it made a nice change.

I am still hopeful that we will get down to Cornwall in the next couple of months or so.  Fingers crossed and toes plaited.  It would really do me some good to have a paddle in the sea and just enjoy the beautiful scenery and the important thing for me being in the quiet of the countryside.  The site where we stay is a working farm, but they also have their own pub and restaurant.  The chap who owns the farm also grows and Butchers his own meat and it is cracking.  They serve their own meat in the restaurant.  There are also fishing facilities onsite.  Despite the restaurant and the pub (as well as functions such as weddings etc) the site is remarkably quiet all told.  We like it as we can please ourselves what we get  up to.  If I want to craft I can, if I want to go for a walk or shopping I can.  I suppose I am easily pleased but I do love Cornwall.  Feel as though it is my spiritual home!  One day.

This post therefore out of necessity today is short and sweet.  I am off to put my feet up and get prepared for a full on day tomorrow.  Fingers crossed I do not have to down tools and do something else as I really need to get on.

Have a lovely evening everyone.

Catch you soon.




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