Playing in the Kitchen Chicken Breasts and Kievs (or Maybe Hunter's Chicken)

Sorry have been out of circulation just got a little overwhelmed and had to down tools and just simply be.

Today has not been a particularly warm day here today and I am bundled up in a jumper again. I have sat and watched a few programmes I was interested in on the Egyptians and Nostradamus as well as a couple of You Tube videos.  After all that I was starting to feel hungry, but not specifically into the food that G wants to eat, I wanted something tasty using items I already had to hand.  I love messing around doing my own thing, and normally without a recipe when I have a little time.

Available to me today were garlic, butter, large Chicken breasts, bacon, cauliflower, peas, carrots, broccoli, potatoes, cream, milk, cheese and more butter.  You do not have to have a joint or a whole chicken to produce a meal you can do it with smaller amounts/ portions of meat as well.

I therefore set too and made garlic butter, using about 2oz or a little more of butter into which I crushed three small cloves of garlic.  I like garlic, not everyone does so please bear that in mind if you decide to have a go and make to suit your tastes.

I then pocketed the large chicken breasts by running my knife around the thickest part of the chicken breast and creating a flap pocket.  Does not need to go all the way in, but you need room to be able to add in what you are doing.  I added a good blob of garlic butter and a thick slice of cheddar cheese.  I then placed the flap on top and then wrapped a bacon rasher around the thickest part to hold everything together.  You could add another rasher if you wanted to and you could also use cocktail sticks to hold everything together.  It is currently roasting under foil in a tray in the oven Gas mark 5, for about 50 minutes (or a little longer if needed) until chicken is cooked and tender. 

I will check to see how the chicken is doing and if for the best part it is cooked I will then at this point take off the foil to allow to brown off a little bit and will then add some grated cheese to melt on top before serving.

To accompany I am adding peas, mashed potato, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower.  I am making a gravy to go with this, with an onion and herb base.  You could use a Barbecue sauce if you wished to turn it into your own "Hunter's Chicken". I am keeping it simple as just "Kievs".  

I then decided to add Cauliflower into the mix as well.

And here is tea.  It was lovely and tasty and has gone down an absolute treat.  I shall do this again.  Makes a lovely filling tea.  

Will probably finish the meal off with a tin of Fruit Cocktail and some cream for a light finish.  Just something to "keep the Wolf from the door" and provide a tasty meal to boot.

I may do a Chicken and Mushroom Pot pie for tea tomorrow evening.  Will see how things go.  I do have some peas to use up so some will go into this. I will then also make a Pea and Ham soup, with a little mint added just to make sure I use the peas up. Before warming up may well add some crispy crumbled dried bacon as a garnish.  As G usually has a cooked breakfast with bacon on the menu I can cook this up then. Cannot abide waste.  Needless to say we sometimes end up with interesting things to eat.

Now to the football.  

Have a good one everyone.

Catch you soon.




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