Rest Day

Saturday night

I carried on working in the back bedroom for a little while.  I went through one of the craft bags and found another cardigan I had started knitting.  The pattern is not with it, but having checked my Blog Tarragon n Thyme, I think I know which pattern this is.  I have been doing little posts to myself on there with links to the patterns so that I do not lose them!  Hopefully will locate this soon as there is quite a bit knitted and I need to get this one out of the way with as it is one of the older ones.  It would also appear according to my blog that I have some more multi-coloured wool - I think this is downstairs so that will be another jumper to knit when I find the wool which I suspect is downstairs in the front room. This one is blue's and lilacs.  It is a good job I am leaving a paper trail of what I am working on.


Completely off colour today with lots of aches and pains particularly in my back and knees.  It is what it is and so after yesterday's efforts today I have chosen today to be a rest day.  Saying that I have had several trips down to the washing machine as I have a lot of washing to do.  I found a bag of clothes yesterday when I was sorting through and so have washed them.  Clothing that I had been looking for and had not known where it had gone.  Am therefore pleased about that.

Sat and watched the Formula One Grand Prix.  Lovely to see Lewis Hamilton win on home turf and at Silverstone.  Well deserved  and a lively race. Formula One racing is something have grown up with since I was little as my Dad was an absolute fan.  When he was little Dad took my brother to see his Hero Jim Clarke at Silverstone.  He won the race and I believe Dad took him into the pits.  My brother to this day (as are his family) are keen on the Formula One racing.

Have also given myself a little self-care today.  Consisting of a  manicure to try and sort my nails out a little bit.  Got them all filed, buffed and naturally shined using the natural oil in the nails.  Looking to improve the quality of these although they were not bad could be better. Have therefore added a little oil to the nails to soak in and also used it on my hands to soften them down a little bit too.  My nails are not very long at the moment and I would like them a little bit longer than they are so need to strengthen the nail bed a bit.  Another day will set about my feet which need some serious work!

Also yesterday found some books to read.  I have a major stash of books to read long-term, but am choosing to read Dissolution by T J Sansom this time round.  Looking forward to this and it will probably be what I am doing this evening just reading and getting out of myself a little bit. I have read some of the other T J Sansom books out of sequence, so I may well return to them as well and revisit them to keep the sequence of the story.

After another day mostly of rain now it is coming into early evening, the Sun is out and everything is bright.  Hoping for drier weather so that can get the washing dried.  Some is already on hangers in the house to get partially dried, if not dried, but if I can get it outside to dry all the better as everything smells so much fresher air dried outside.

Tea tonight is a Charcuterie Board, crackers and cheese followed by some fruit and cream.  Nice n Simples!

Tomorrow is another day as they say.

Plans for tomorrow 

This includes more washing and getting stuff dried.  Later in the evening will do some ironing.

During the day itself though I will be back into the back bedroom to carry on with the work there and no doubt will find further treasures and a myriad of other things to do.

Have a lovely evening everyone.

Catch you soon.




  1. A day of rest is good. Hope you feel better.

    1. Thank you it has helped a bit, hopefully will be back on the straight and narrow in the next few daysx


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