Sunday Night/Monday and a Little Self-Care

Sunday Night

Sunday night for me has always been a bit of an odd night in the week, one where you gear yourself up to go to work when you are working for a living.  These days I forget the days because I am at home, but when I was working it was always surreal slowing down from enjoying yourself with family and friends over the weekend and gearing yourself up and putting on the bullet proof vest to go back into work on a Monday morning for the week.  I am glad I do not have to do that at the moment  The silver lining if you like.

I also managed to sort out another couple of bags of mixed items most of them crafting items. Every little helps.

I put some more washing on after tea, and have put in another couple of loads since.  I have managed to read a few pages of my book but not as many as I had hoped.  It is how it goes.


Not as planned, but that happens many a time around here.  I have had several loads of washing out on the line and the bulk of it is now dried.  I have left a lineful out - as it was not quite dry.

I have not managed to get back into the bedroom today as I have been dealing with a load of paperwork today - I had to go out into the fresh air several times as it was doing my head in.


I have decided that I need to do more for myself than I normally do.  My nails are not as good as they used to be and although I do not wear them particularly long, they have looked better than they do at the moment.  I am therefore trying to have a daily slot of buffing up my nails, and giving them a file down most days (if necessary) as I get hang-nails where the edges get chipped.  I cannot wear gloves for cleaning stuff they irritate me, so my nails get damaged this way on as well.  However, am trying to be good.  I do not wear polish on them very often, but prefer to buff my nails up and use the oils in the skin to make them shine.  Much more natural. I also intend to tackle my feet in the same way as well.  We are on our feet each day, and for some of us that is for long periods at a time.  More often or not we look after other areas of our bodies, but ultimately tend to forget about our feet.  My intention is also to release some of the ache out of my feet by doing this on a daily basis as well.

I am also trying to give myself a massage each day to ease of some of the tightness in my back and hips. It seems to be helping.  Am also doing more exercises in a day some of them new to me to help with my back and suppleness in my arms and shoulders.  Not sure it will help but worth a shot.  

I am also going to try some sit down exercises to see if they will help with my midriff.  Can but try at the end of the day better than not doing anything.

The biggie for me is drinking more water.  I tend to grab a cup of tea or coffee in preference to water.  I am trying to add in three glasses of water on top of what I drink in a day to see if that will help as well.  It should hydrate my skin even more.

Oh and a detox every now and then - using something gentle like lemon juice in water first thing every so often.  Will help to flush out the kidneys.

Well that's the plan in any event to start with. Will see how I get on and whether to add anything else as I go along.

Hope everyone has a lovely evening.

Catch you soon.




  1. A bit of a pedicure in on the menu for this evening as I sit to watch a bit of TV. My feet take a beating and I have RA and my feet are affected so it is important to give them a little TLC now and again.
    I also managed to get some laundry done today and made a trip to the grocery store - went to the fancier one so had to travel further but got some half price meats and picked up a few items for the pantry that my local No Frills doesn't carry so it was worth the trip! Have a good evening.

    1. Hi Margie, I know that one well with the RA. One of the reasons intend to do a foot soak in some Epsom salts first to soften my nails down and to detox and then give myself a manicure. Think that is on the cards for this evening. Got my nails tidy last night. Glad you find some foodie bargains/treats in the process. I have noticed a difference between the shops here. At the bottom of the street we have a Co-Op store a little way up. Because of the area it is in and the clientele, (a bit wealthier than my area at the top of the street) they have different offers and choices. Tends to be far nicer. The one nearest to me is a Co-Op as well, but it is very much caters for the "poorer" person. I used to use this shop a lot but then worked out that on some items they are putting more than 50p on an item which I can get cheaper elsewhere. That adds up to a lot of money being spent unnecessarily without more for your money. Hope you had a good evening too. Tricia xx

    2. I am not one for painting my nails. I just like them to look natural. I read a tip today from a fashion editor, who had been talking with a very high end celebrity manicurist. She said that one of the best and easiest things to do for your nails is to clean the whole nail (not just under the tips) with a nail brush every day. This helps to remove any dead skin and prevent cuticles growing over the nail and needing to be pushed back before painting/buffing. I have never heard that one before, but am certainly going to give it a go.


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