My Weekend

Well its been a hectic weekend again - and have had major move-its and cleaning in the dining room. Well erhm it wasn't quite planned honestly. Ever started something and wished you hadn't. In an earlier post I referred to trying to persuade OH about purchasing a pine dresser top to put some shelving on the wall in the dining room to hold my ingredients jars etc. Well after much debate (some of it heated) I eventually got my own way and to say I am very chuffed is an understatement. The dresser top is in excellent condition and only cost Ā£20 - is solid pine and according to the shop I got it from - he thought it was Ducal! OH then disagreed with where I wanted to put it and we eventually came to a compromise. He had also suggested that we move the freezer from where it was in the corner and put my CD Chest underneath to give the impression of a full dresser and I must say it does not look too bad at all. Whilst the furniture was out I spring cleaned behind every piece. Photos to follow of the finished result - and with my storage jars and all my Rumptopfs and Crocks that I have collected to date all from Charity shops on the top shelf and my storage jars underneath does not look half bad. Also intend to put some mug hooks on to hang my mugs. So I am well chuffed. I need to get cracking now with those clippie rugs made of old denim jeans - a job for the long winter evenings

Ideally the big chest freezer and the upright freezer don't need to be in the dining room. I spoke to OH yesterday and indicated that once we have a little spare cash to hand will try and purchase a very large shed - not just for him but for the both of us - he needs somewhere to make his fishing rigs etc. I need somewhere for the freezers and also my wine and beermaking equipment and preserving storage and I propose that the freezers go in there thus freeing up much needed space in the dining room. Well thats the plan at the moment. I would also like a bicycle so that I can go foraging when OH not aboutfor various bits and pieces - a bicycle with a big whicker basket on the front now that would be just dandy and having a bigger shed would mean would be able to store it safely. Once that is done I can set too getting the garden laid out and in place ready for next year's growing season - I have only done a little bit this year but it has more than whetted my appetite.

The older I get the more I am moving away from the idea of a purely fitted kitchen that costs the absolute earth. In this dream house that is somewhere ont he horizon for the kitchen I quite like the idea of finding freestanding pieces of character and either painting them or stripping and restoring if needed to and also collecting various items to achieve the effect I would like. I am afraid I am not in to modern - some pieces I like but more often or not I prefer a traditional look. I have had new in the past, but I think it pays to be patient and acquire this or that a little at a time - it doesn't have to be new as long as it is in good condition or has plenty of potential. I have never been to a reclaimation yard but am quite interested in buying slabs of slate and or marble at some point to be used as shelving work surfaces because they are nice and cool for making pastry on and also for storing preserves. In the traditional pantry there was always a cold shelf. Buying a bit at a time and utilising what is to hand will also work out much cheaper in the long run. I am still working on bits and bobs as well inbetween everything else and really when I get sorted a bit more am going to have a sewing play day every week to try and get lots of goodies made for Christmas presents. I am experimenting at the moment with some crotchet work in white cotton four ply the intention is to make a little make up bag and a flannel in the crotchet work (although am not sure at the moment how this will turn out) and I thought I would have a go at making some soap and/or bath bombs together with some shoe stuffers, lavender bags and padded coathangers for Chrimbo presents, just ideas at the moment, still at the playing stage,but smaller items that can be achieved quite quickly

Talking of winter evenings - it got very dark here tonight - a lot earlier than usual and there is definitely a bit of an autumn twang in the air; the blackberry bushes that I pass on the way to work are also getting blacker, but they are too near the road to pick more's the pity.

Happy birthday to my friend Anneope from Silver Sewer and also my friends Linda and Dave - hope you all have lovely days.

Am tired now and still have a bit to do plus the round up of the cats before they start howling to come in.

Catch you all soon.


  1. Sounds like a busy one! I love the idea of freestanding kitchen bits too and/or home made kitchen units, who needs all this plastic mass made stuff. Slate is wonderful, we have friends who have a cold room at teh back of the kitchen, with a slate floor and slate shelves and a stream running under the floor, it is wonderfully cool in here and it makes a wonderful (very big) larder. I have larder envy!

  2. Oh how wonderful I bet it keeps the food really cool - now I really do have pantry envy! It is quite unusual these days to have a stream under the larder,is this an original feature that they have reinstalled and made the most of? The house we are in at the moment has a pantry more a cupboard really but it gets too warm to store the fresh stuff in - tend to keep it in the cupboard under the stairs as it is a lot cooler. One day though - one day. Take care x


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