To Celebrate my 4000th Plus Visitors

To celebrate my 4000th + visitors to my little blog and to thank you for your support I am having my first give away. I am offering The Victorian Book of Ribbons and Roses by Deborah Schneebeli-Morrell. Its a lovely little book and has several ideas for making things for your home like rose bud pomanders, rose sachets, a rosebud heart just a few ideas for starters, it also gives other projects based on the Victorian era. Little things that help make your home yours. But then it is the little things that matter most. This book will I am sure appeal to the novice crafter and the skilled crafter alike.

All you have to do is email me with your name and address and a short anecdote about a memory, item or event that is very special to you. I am afraid I am terribly sentimental and it is to me the stories that mean the most even though they are often hidden. I will then make a draw out of a hat at the beginning of September, and with your permission relate some of your "anecdotes" to the rest of the followers. Your ideas and your memories, customs and way of doing things may well give birth to new ideas and traditions for the rest of us to implement. It is good to cascade ideas and traditions it helps enrich our lives. Please don't be shy the more the merrier. I look forward to reading your anecdotes.

All you have to do is email me with your name and address and a short anecdote about a memory, item or event that is very special to you. I am afraid I am terribly sentimental and it is to me the stories that mean the most even though they are often hidden. I will then make a draw out of a hat at the beginning of September, and with your permission relate some of your "anecdotes" to the rest of the followers. Your ideas and your memories, customs and way of doing things may well give birth to new ideas and traditions for the rest of us to implement. It is good to cascade ideas and traditions it helps enrich our lives. Please don't be shy the more the merrier. I look forward to reading your anecdotes.

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