Its been brewing all day
that is the storm that has just burst upon us. The heat has been unbearable, the wind got up suddenly and then the rain appeared short sharp and fast. I am hoping that there will be enough wetness so that I do not have to water up this evening. There is thunder and lightening and Father Christmas chucking his toys across the workshop, thump, bang wallop. If there is not enough rain then I shall go out and water up. I was right out there up until it started to rain which is a big first for me as I hate thunder and lightening with a vengeance and tend to hide away.
I have been pottering on and off in the garden again. I have managed to get those plants potted up into the growing houses however in reality I need a couple of more of the growing houses to accommodate everything. The cabbages, cauliflowers and kales have all come on a bundle since I first got them and they are all due a feed tomorrow evening when I water up. I am very excited at having fresh veggies out of my own garden. I have another water bin arriving during the week. From hereon in I am going to put the water from the condenser dryer into the water butts and also veggie water from washing the veg.
I also bought two Aloe Vera plants yesterday with a view to growing some more plants on of my own. I am forever burning myself, just catching myself accidentally and I prefer Aloe Vera or water for burns. I have popped them into the bathroom for the time being. Natural things are often the best.
Right have to pop off had hoped to add more to this post will try and do so later on.
Catch you soon.
Today did not start very well. OH took Missy for a walk and the van failed on him whilst bringing her back. Fortunately he is with RAC who came out and were not at all sure what the problems was. Van was taken to the garage. They have since phoned to see whether we need the work doing. It would appear that we need a new starter motor and also the solenoid as it is not pumping the petrol through. Over Ā£200 again. Van should be back sometime tomorrow.
When OH got the van he said that there would be no further problem with transport as we had the car and the van. Because he has been using the van the battery had gone flat. Battery was charged and he tried to get that going but it was not having any of it. Very frustrating.
Once the van is returned we have a visit to the tip. There is a lot of garden rubbish and more to come to get rid of and the bushes in the garden need sorting out again so that will also need taking. In reality I see us going on both days to the tip. There are lots of other things to do inbetween.
I have also been lucky to obtain some blackcurrants from the veg shop for making jam, cassis and also "Beena" cordial. So some more supplies for the pantry.
Tomorrow I also have more gardening to do. I have the herb border to weed, tidy up the tubs that are there, add herbs to the borders and more tubs. Do some flower tubes, do some herb planters. I want OH to put a shelf up under the windowsills outside the kitchen and the bathroom windows so that I can put some pre-bought planters there with herbs and some companion flowers such as marigold or heartsease.
In effect I have been in the garden all day and early evening. We have had a lot of rain, could still do with some more. However it meant I did not have to do the watering up which is something.
Right must get on still stuff to do.
Catch you tomorrow.
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