Sunday morning

We were up before 8:00am and I managed to get all the rubbish re-bagged.  It had rained overnight quite heavily and is still raining and there looks as though there is more to come.  We did not want the van wet.  It has since been taken down to the tip.  

I have been in the front garden and have cleared the holly leaves up.  The hedge and the tree and the bushes will get sorted out sometime tomorrow and then the rubbish also taken to the tip.  We have added more gravel and have more to get tomorrow as after 30+ years in living here the gravel that was there has got a little thin.  It is starting to look a lot tidier.  I have two big planters to put into the front garden and a post box to go on the side wall.  Our letter box is in the bottom of the door and I am going to close it off as we get an awful draft round our ankles when sitting in the lounge.  Once all that is done and the dustbins put in their new position that will be the front garden sorted and tidied.  Oh and I just need to clean the front windows which should be interesting.  I have a hosepipe and a brush I hope the hosepipe is going to be long enough.

We had a strip light bulb go in the kitchen and have had to replace that.  I am now just about to start on the kitchen.  No doubt I will have further rubbish for the tip by the time I have finished.  Needs doing though.  I also have washing to do as OH is back to work tomorrow.

For dinner tonight we have a piece of topside with accompanying veggies and home made Yorkshire Pudding for tea tonight.  I also have a smaller piece of beef which I am going to cook alongside it and then use it for pack-ups and salads during the week.  I have a chicken which I will roast and  cook up for tea tomorrow night, together with the ham hock I bought yesterday we should then have a nice selection of meat for use in salads and/or pack-ups for the week, which will give me a bit of freedom as indeed I have an awful lot of things to do in the coming days.

Right had better get a wriggle on as sitting on my backside will not get the work done.  Hopefully catch up a little later on.




  1. It sounds like you are working very hard there Tricia. It will be looking really lovely by the time you have ticked all the boxes on your to do list. Don't overdo things.

    1. Hi BB, as long as it is tidy that is all that matters. I used to do fancy hanging baskets for the front that is until one year I asked for plants for the hanging baskets and front bowl. I did a really good job of them if I do say so myself and someone knicked them off the front of the house whilst we were in (we were at the back). Since then I have not really bothered. However I believe that I can get a couple of cheapie ones from town say Ā£5 each which might just cheer it up a little. The new gravel which is a golden colour looks good but we have to get some more for tomorrow when OH comes back from work. It has brightened the front up quite a bit. I also need some more compost. Dare not tell him that just yet. Just acquire it in the trolley when we go and get more gravel! Hope you are okay. Pattypan xx


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