Things to do:

I have a million and one things to do as usual and as my memory is not as good as it used to be short term here rather than long term I thought it might be useful if I put things down as I think of them and then get them actioned so that they are not floating around in the ether.



Business cards for Reiki and Mediumship


Reiki Leaflets

Website and Email address

Bank account


Sort the front garden so everything is nicely sorted, tidy and looks presentable.
Bathroom.  Needs stripping out, new sink, new bath.  Needs tiling.  Needs shelving.  Needs a couple of storage units and needs painting.  Also needs an extractor fan/fans.  Needs new flooring.  Bathroom doors need re-varnishing and sorting out.

Kitchen.  Needs stripping out.  New sink units and if I can get a couple of pine doors to go on that would match it in with rest of units.  Needs mixer tap.  Needs re-tiling, and plasterwork needs mending. Cupboards need re-organising and more use made of what do have. Needs painting out.  New flooring required.  New blind, new nets.  Needs gingham curtains making for kitchen skirt, under units. Doors need re-varnishing and sorting out.

Nets and blind have been sorted
Pantry: needs sorting out, stripping out and then repainting.  Needs new flooring.  Door needs re-varnishing and sorting out.

Dining Room: needs sorting out.  Wallpaper needs stripping, plasterwork repairs made. Redecorating, new flooring and new blind, net curtains and curtains.  Needs new fire hearth surround and need Landlord to take the Gas fire out.  Possibly put in an electric one.  Doors need sorting, re-varnishing.  Side cupboard doors need stripping.  Pine furniture needs stripping and re-varnishing.

Nets and blind have been sorted
Under Stairs:  Plasterwork repairs need to be made.  Shelves need stripping and recovering. Needs painting out and new flooring put in and revising space available and organising it.  Door needs stripping and re-varnishing. Needs new doors.

Back Bedroom: Needs totally renovating. Mirror Wardrobes put on the dividing wall.  Have big metal framed bed and mattress.  Thinking aqua colour here probably with mirror furniture.  A bit Art Nouveauā€™ish.  Needs painting and papering.  Room needs totally sorting out and what is in there thinned down.  It is box city at the moment.  Needs laminate flooring.  Idea of fitted wardrobe is that it would hide a lot of my crafting stuff plus have an overshoot wardrobe space. Have seen some nice bedding in Dunhelm today also some nice bedside lights.  This room is a bit glam compared to the rest of the house a slightly different theme.  Also need some Aqua coloured rugs One large and two for down the side of the bed.  New doors.

Nets sorted
Study/Computer room: Needs cleaning and tidying.  Not long decorated,  Has laminate flooring anyway.  Ideally shelving but I donā€™t think OH will have any of that.  Just a general tidy and good clean up.  Attention to detail.  Single bed for using as a couch.

Hallway: needs  painting and wallpapering, needs new stair carpet and bookcase with lamp at top of the stairs for some extra book storage.  I have a load of books yet to read.

Lounge.  Needs sorting out.  Decorating with wallpaper, painting.  Gas fire needs taking out and an alternative sourced.  New curtains and rug.  Bookshelves need sorting out.  General good clean.  Carpet needs cleaning.  Leather settees need touching up.

Main Bedroom:  Needs totally stripping out.  Wallpapering and painting.  Laminate flooring.  Three rugs.  Does not need new curtains or nets. May need a new blind.  Need new bedding and new Duvet.  Possibly a dressing table and chest of drawers. New doors. One for entrance to bedroom and one for walk in wardrobe (used to be airing cupboard) and is also entrance to loft.

Loft: Needs flooring putting down for extra storage space and also a loft ladder.

There are still no end of things to be added to the list.  This is just my general initial thoughts on what I would like to achieve to make this house liveable and will be updated from time to time.  I am aiming to get everything sorted before Winter sets in.

Catch you soon.




  1. I always have lists going, and love to cross things off as I do them, and of course I keep adding things to do. Your list has a lot of big projects on it. I posted recently about my new kitchen countertop, a big project.


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