Bit of a Hooley

Outside that is.  The wind is very rough (as no doubt it will be elsewhere in the country) but the sun is out.

Not a good start to this morning OH went to walk dog and had to knock to get me up as he could not get in the back door as the latch had stuck.  I ended up coming to work on the computer sat on the couch for a few minutes and a few hours later I woke up, snuggled up to a Jack Russell who had curled herself around me.

So it has been upwards and onwards since then. Not what I had planned.  Just stopped for a small coffee break.

I also managed to get another four boxes sorted out yesterday. Contains a lot of my patchwork stuff.  I am going to do a few more next just to clear a specific area I need access too.

Hope the wind calms down a little  as it really is bending the trees over in the garden.

Right must get on.

Catch you soon.




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