
My friend has a Quince tree in her garden and it has produced a prolific crop this year which has been passed on to me to do some preserving for her.  She is in work full time and I readily agreed to play for her.  So at the moment I am working through some recipes to try and give her a selection of things to put up on her pantry shelf which she has not necessarily had before.  There is definitely to be Quince Jelly and Membrillo, I have suggested a Chutney as well and maybe some Quinces in syrup.  I am not very familiar with Quince but they smell lovely.  So I am looking forward to dabbling a little.

One day perhaps I might have Quinces of my own as I bought a tree earlier in the year.  Will have to wait until next year on that one but there will be a lot to research in the meantime.

My mum used to help out in this kind of way too when she was here bless her heart.  As I have mentioned before my sister in law did or does not do a lot of baking and mum was determined that my nephews were not going to miss out at all and she used to make a cake for them every week or little buns or something.  At Christmas because we were both working she used to do a little bit for us as well usually on the pastry front as me and pastry have this love hate relationship.  It used to make her feel wanted and contributing as she had more time than us.  For that I am and always grateful - my Nan also used to do the same.  

So eager to learn about something a little different I am going to enjoy playing with these.  It will keep me out of mischief or indeed get me into it one way or the other.

Right off to do some re-arranging of one area so that I can get into another.  

Catch you all later on.




  1. Hi Tricia
    If you look at Gina Ferrari’s blog “Fan my Flame” you will see what she did with quinces including a sweet version. Her blog is inspirational as she is a gifted sewer abd fabulous baker. Happy day.

    1. Thanks for the link Catriona. Looks very interesting much appreciated Tricia xx


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