Self-Care Eye Test - Part One
I am off for an eye test and examination this evening as over recent weeks my eyesight has been a little bit fuzzier round the edges than it used to be. I now need my glasses especially for close work near enough all the time which is frustrating to say the least so time to get this particular gremlin under control. (There are several to be addressed). I am very good at looking after others but not so hot on self-care and the time has come where I am having to be a little selfish, although this does not sit well with me. I am trying to concentrate on sorting myself out, as I am starting to appreciate that I count too and that I cannot solve everything although I will always do my best to help.
OH had arranged appointment for me, but the Opticians rang yesterday as a questionnaire needed to be completed prior to the appointment. They also offered an upgraded examination for an extra Ā£10, so I have opted for this so we shall see what happens. I am nervous to say the least as I hate being messed around with - it stresses me out and it is some time since I had my eyes tested and the last time it was not a particularly pleasant experience. Perhaps one of the underlying reasons I have not been sooner. I tend to be a bit of an Ostrich and stick my head in the sand.
I am very squeamish about eyes generally! I have dry eyes and mouth in any event due to a condition known as Sjorgens Syndrome. I have to use eye drops daily as often it feels as though there is sand in my eyes and sometimes they get sticky and really itchy. I am supposed to use a mouth spray too, but I just do not get on with these, so I make sure that there is always a bottle of water with me. For those of you interested, there is a link here as to what Sjorgens is and its symptoms.
There are a whole raft of medical conditions that I have which are auto-immune disease related. A lot of the individual conditions that I have throw up a lot of the same symptoms so I am never quite sure which issue is raising its ugly head. At the end of the day we have an enhanced family history of auto-immune conditions on both sides of the family and the Consultants believe that the core reason for this is down to a wonky gene or two.
So be it, life is for living and we have to get on with it. Some days are good, others brilliant and then there are the days when the fatigue hits - you want to do stuff but the body does not co-operate and you have to rest otherwise it makes things worse. A totally alien concept for someone who is used to rushing around doing this and that under their own steam. No reason to give in though - have to work with it. The trouble is that the body is being resistant but the mind is still as active and as sharp as ever.
So we shall see how we get on at the eye appointment later today. Stage one in a self-care overhaul. Will let you know how I get on.
Catch you soon.
Good luck at your eye appointment.Take care
ReplyDeleteThank you Susie, it went well which is the main thing. Hope you are keeping safe and well. Take care too Tricia x