Monday Catch up

Today started early here and I was up for 8;00am.  Should have been 6;00am but overslept.  

it was cold overnight here, a slight frost but the sun is out so all is right with the world.

Washing up done.

Front garden cleared of stuff to go to the tip.

Hedge trimmed

Windows washed

Washing machine on

Garden de-weeded

Just sat down for a cup of tea before I start again.  Have a load more stuff to do in the dining room.

i am not cooking tonight.

Sourdough starters will need feeding

Need to start wholemeal/Rye starters.

So off we go into the dining room again.  

Have under the dresser to sort out and wash and get all the crockery put back so I can close the door. Some of the stuff under there should be in the kitchen so will try and get it in.  That will free  up space for some more of my glassware. 

Cupboard under the stairs needs finishing.  Did what I could for now.  Will out it at the end of the week and clean and decorate out and get the PVC onto the shelves to smarten things up.

Then the rest of the dining room.

Have washing to tumble dry

Tidy up and declutter kitchen and wash out again particularly the floor.

Phew got 75% done still more to achieve.  Will get up early tomorrow and carry on.


Cold but bright; sun out to play.

Up at 5;00am as have a lot to do.  Did not get to bed until 2;00am.  So three hours sleep.

Gas work carried out with my favourite female Gas Engineer who is really lovely a fellow cat lover.  Everything now tickety boo and in good health for another year.  J fitted the new boiler for us last year and it certainly keeps the house warm.

Back to carrying on with sorting out the house, chucking stuff out and rehoming stuff at the charity shop.  Another inspection due tomorrow.  Electrical inspection this time round.

Got the stairs hoovered and the back bedroom.  A lot of the challenge is that I am upgrading or planning to upgrade areas of the house to make it more efficient of me finding stuff.  like the computer desk in the back bedroom, it had all sorts of bits under it none of which were mine.  It turns out OH no longer wanted them so out they have gone.  I now have a home for my sewing machines to be kept all together.  Which is brilliant as far as I am concerned maybe my crafting is going to get a new lease of life at the end of the day.  Nets and curtains washed, windows and walls washed down (as have indicated before Floors washed down. I am taking advantage and using the clearance sessions to carry out an early Spring clean)


Up early was late to bed last night 1;00am. Was going to be up for 5;00 am but ended up sleeping until 6;00am.

Got up and completed tasks needed in time for the inspection to be carried out at 9;00am.

Inspection concluded we have to have a new master electrical board fitted.  We have been here 35 years and hardly anything electrical has been carried out.  There are some niggles with one or two of the sockets and the light at the top of the stairs but they will deal with these when they come to install the board.

OH had a retinal inspection this morning at clinic which is all part and parcel of his ongoing treatment for Diabetes.  Went with him as he had to have something in his eyes for dilating his pupils and had to wait before he could drive.  It would appear that he is starting to develop cataracts.  We will know the full outcome in a few weeks.

When we got back home, I crashed for a couple of hours before waking  up and getting on back with things.  have created quite a bit of space in the dining room, but still have more to work on to develop further space.  The cats think iti s great as they are chasing their balls up and down the dining room and the kitchen.

We had a lovely tea tonight.  just simple. Fried eggs, home made chips and baked beans with some of my pickled onions.  Went down very nicely.  Funnily enough OH has managed to track down my stash of pickles and chutneys and ended up bringing the jar up of his own accord.  must hide in a safer place.  There are some preserves which have to be hidden otherwise he will eat his way through the whole stock for the year.  I must say though that it is a great pleasure to be able to add to meals in this way..  Will not be long before I crash again.

We then had tinned peaches and cream for pudding.  It was very refreshing

More clearing is envisaged and planned for tomorrow including more washing.  I also have to at some point to start wading my way through ironing mountain, as well as sorting out the main pantry as I have quite a few more items to add.  This pantry needs stripping out, cleaning and repainting.  Shelves also need PVC covering and also I need to make a cloth curtain for the bottom and one or two other adjustments.  Then I will be able to refill it.  I would quite like to add a few more storage jars to the main pantry to what I have but that will all be covered in a future upcoming post.

Sourdough bread making day is envisaged for this Friday.

So a very fraught and busy couple of days but it has been well worth the effort although my poor hands are really sore.  I used some Flash cleaning solution and it has irritated my hands.  I think there must be something nasty in their products as I always react quite badly and my hands end up sore and very itchy.  I am soothing the inflammation by using a healing salve made from Melissa officinalis and other herbal oils and extractions.  It was made for me by a friend Kirsty of Sage and Bellflower as I have psoriasis and it has been very calming and soothing for this and the balm is not greasy. to use and my skin feels soft and not tight when I use this.  It is very gentle but does the trick.  Thank you Kirsty.

Right am off to hit the deck.

Catch up soon.




  1. Please get some more sleep Trisha - you will knock yourself for six. Can't some of these jobs wait? Hope you are ok at the end of this mammoth clean up.

    1. Thank you BB, no nothing could wait unfortunately, but I have dealt with things in priority order and got things done. It will be ongoing for a while until I thin things down a bit more, but not with the same sleep deprivation. OH does not know how I manage, but somehow I do manage to see things through. I do manage to get some sleep each day as it does make me ill if I do not. Thank you for caring and being you. It is appreciated. Just enjoying a Bramble and Raspberry Gin with lemonade. My reward for all the hard work. Even though there will be ongoing work it will not be to the same degree and once each room is completed, we can then think about decorating one room at a time. Rather than trying to do in one fair swoop which is my normal modus operandi, i have been breaking it into segments and it seems to be working. Going to have a lay in tomorrow and take things easier whilst also doing designated jobs for the day. Decluttering is still high on the list as well and at least I am slowly and gradually letting go of things. Thank you for being a darling Tricia xx

  2. I agree with BB! On the other hand your post made me realise I have to get some things "going on" here as well. Time for a spring cleaning. I heard the birds this morning singing, most welcoming sound ever. I will just not manage it with your sleepschedule......

  3. I know I could not cope on so little sleep and though, reading back, I could see it was all for the inspection, you have so many things that it makes getting organized and cleaned up a real challenge. I am going through my craft things again and selling things on Ebay as I know I am never going to live long enough to make a fraction of it. Ditto books.


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