Hello everyone

I am okay and a bit more compass mentis.

I must say that I had the best care I could possibly have had and what is more this time round the individual professionals actually listened to me.

I was up at 6:00am on the day of surgery as the instructions were that after midnight I could only have sips of water and nothing to eat and that 6:30am was the cut off point for any liquids. I was directed to take my normal prescriptions as these were required.  (In a previous surgery I had been directed to come off the Hydroxychloroquinine (which is the medication for my autoimmune issues) 12 weeks before surgery as the surgeon for that particular procedure believed that it would interfere with the healing process.

I therefore attended at Peterborough City Hospital as required by 7:30am.

I was supposed to take a sample with me on admittance.  I had gone to the trouble of purchasing said sample pot but when I came to decant the liquid quickly fell out of the pot so I had to ask for one when I got in.  All the best plans of mice and men.

I was asked to get into the proverbial hospital gown, by my Nurse and then measured  up for my stockings. Within 3/4 of an hour of attending the Day Patient Surgery unit, I had been seen initially by a Junior Doctor who despite being good looking was also friendly and keen to put me at my ease. He reiterated I would have to wear the pressure stockings to prevent hopefully any clotting, and I jokingly said to him you are not supplying the lacy suspender belt then and he laughed as did I. I told him I was terrified, and he said not to worry that they would all look after me and make sure I was okay. Then I saw the Lady Anaesthetist who really did listen to me.  I told her that I had always been violently sick after other procedures I had received and she indicated that this was quite common but she would make sure that I received an anti-sickness medication before giving me the anaesthetic.  Then I got to see the Surgeon himself. I had not met him because of Covid.  However, I had heard the staff talking with other patients about him and he was very clearly respected, liked and loved.  When I did get to meet him I could see why.  Nice gentle but firm.  I was first on his list and it was envisaged that the operation would be about 45 minutes long and he detailed what was going to be carried out with me. In the end I believe it took longer as I had a stone that was stuck and going nowhere which they "struggled" with and that another bout of infection had started, but eventually they were able to remove the gall bladder with its stone.

I came round in ICU with a lovely little nurse attending to me. I was given Morphine for the pain and then as I started to feel a little sick I was given more anti sickness medication.  She also covered me up with a heated blanket which helped with the pain quite a bit.  I kept coming in and out and once my stats had settled she let me go and took the blanket off of me!

I was then delivered back to day care ward, and was in and out quite a bit which is quite normal for me after anaesthesia.  I am a bit of a sleepy one.  My stats were monitored and certain criteria achieved, like drinking a cup of tea and wanting to go to the loo.  I was eventually released around 4:00pm to go home.  OH came up to the unit to collect me.  I was discharged with pain medication and instructions and fresh dressings.  I felt like a horse had kicked my stomach not that I have ever been kicked by a horse in the stomach.

OH is as a result chief Cook and Bottle washer.  Bless him he is not too bad at cooking individual items but he attempted to give me a proper meal.  Yesterday he cooked me some fresh Salmon which I love but which he had never tried before.  He is not keen but he served it with boiled potatoes, peas and a poached egg.  I did not eat the peas but did the rest.  Not too bad, but bland solid food which will need for next few days.

This morning I had porridge again this time served with some of my home canned apple slices in syrup which were delicious.  I will be having a repeat performance of that tomorrow morning. I am so pleased with these and will be making a scuttle full more once I have recovered.

I did not fancy much tonight, but opted for a Tuna Sandwich and some fruit salad which has also gone down very nicely.  I did not fancy anything heavy again but have enjoyed what I have had.

The discomfort day by day is slowly going with the aid of the pain killers, but have to take it steady and rest up for the next two weeks and then I can slowly start doing things.

Would just like to thank everyone who sent their good wishes it is very much appreciated.

Will pop back on when I can and feel up to it.




  1. Get well soon! ☺️❤️

  2. I wish you a speedy recovery.

  3. I hope everything goes goes smoothly during your recuperation and that you will be feeling better soon.

    Take care.

  4. I was one of the first people to have the 'keyhole' surgery for gall bladder, I was kept in overnight but allowed home the next day. I recovered very quickly, and was cleared to drive the car. I have to admit, having nursed patients who had gall bladder ops I was so glad that the keyhole was around by the time I needed it. Although I did hang on for a few years before getting up enough courage to go to the Drs. Keep up the good work, a little of what you fanvy does you good!!

  5. Nice to read you are doing ok. Take your time to heal and enjoy the care of your dear HB!

  6. I'm glad everything went well and you're home safe and sound. Take care of yourself and don't overdo.


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