Managing to Settle down a bit

 Last night, i.e. Tuesday evening, I managed to settle down enough to actually pick up one of my UFOs i.e. my socks which I have not touched for well over a month, despite the best of intentions.  

Indeed I have a few items that I want to get finished all of them knitted and once they are done there is the crochet.  I had not picked up the crochet as some of the wool is not where it should be and is not easily accessible at the moment, although this is the craft of choice I would have picked up first otherwise.  

However, the sock is a form of discipline for me in that I will get them finished and then hopefully some more knitted in due course once some of the other stuff is out of the way with.  However it very much is a journey of discovery.  The pattern just uses two needles and the way things are working out the whole sock appears to be knitted in one fair go, i.e. the right leg cuff, back of right leg, heel, sole/toe where you have to do some measuring and calculation as to how much you actually need to knit. Then there is the front of the right foot/leg all knitted in a continuous piece.  You then have to assemble the sock using mattress stitch without taking the knitting off the needles and then you have to knit some more to finish off the front of the foot/leg.  You then start on the left leg!  The pattern is a bit more involved than I thought it was, but  I have managed to follow it so far, even though one or two of my techniques need a little bit of work.  The best bit though is that after over a fortnight twiddling my thumbs going slightly mad, I managed to settle, concentrate and actually work quite a bit more of the sock last night which was deeply satisfying. I will show a few photos once the first sock is completed.

Now I feel a lot better generally, less lethargic and less tired although I am sleeping very well at the moment.  I am going to try and put my house in order a little bit which involves tackling issues within myself and squaring myself up a bit. At the moment, I feel more focused than I have done in a long while.  As I have mentioned before I am particularly intent on trying to lose some weight and build on the fact that this operation certainly at the moment seems to have done me a lot of good so why waste that option; I want to maximise it the best that I can. There is a lot I want to achieve and there are a lot of things that need to be done.  I am choosing to break these down into achievable chunks. I am still "resting" and am tackling those items that I can do at the moment.  I am trying to get my "mind" in order and under control (which is easier said than done as I have always been a "free spirit") and recently have had the attention span of a gnat!.  

There are times quite frequently, when I get that overwhelmed that I cannot deal with things, let alone be around people. I have found that I feel hemmed in when out up town if people get too near me.  I think I am becoming a bit of a "hermit" on the quiet. My energy levels at the moment though are the best that they have been in a long while and I am feeling the difference.  Especially with all this beautiful weather we are having.  I am hoping for my first little trip out on my own tomorrow, but if not tomorrow it will be Friday. I need some bits and bobs from town. I am hoping to have a look in Wilkos to see what they have on the gardening front as well.

So tentative steps at the moment, but I have made my mind up that things need to be done and sorted out.  A clean broom as it were.  Once I am back to the physical stuff I can then set about the house again one room at a time.

Fingers crossed that all goes to plan.

Catch you soon.



I have also commenced on a major job.  I have been quite remiss of keeping the computer housekeeping under control and I have spent some time today in starting to tackle that problem.  I have literally kept emails going back at least five years and so I am working through them painstakingly.  Filing those that need to be kept for future use, and then deleting those I no longer need.  So that really is quite a major job and I am hoping to tackle a bit more each day and actually get stuck in and do something.  Sometimes we can overthink things in our heads, which results in making it more "huge" to deal with and "frightening" with not much being achieved inbetween despite the best of intentions. A form of procrastination if you will.  I hold my hand up to this.

After the email box has all been sorted out I am the going to tackle my photograph album.


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