Preparation work behind the scenes and crafting Part Two Wednesday Tuesday 28 February 2023

I am hoping to do a weekly post on any progress made in respect of sorting out crafting items, and also tackling UFO's. I thought that if I ran this for a year, it would help keep me on track.   In any event it is probably more for my own check list, and a way of keeping tabs on what I am doing and/or achieving but also a paper trail of how that item is coming into being.  I also know that there are those of you out there who are into "crafting" like myself and are also genuinely interested in the projects themselves.

Continuing on from last week's post.

Thursday night 23.02.23 

This evening there has been no cutting up of fabric and no sorting out tangled wool for a change.  There will be more tangled wool to come - not sure whether it will be in this post or later one.  Depends on how I get on initially with my recent picked up UFO.

The current UFO - a Jumper

I have picked up a UFO instead.  I had started knitting a jumper in a lovely variegated wool a while back and had started knitting the rib and then got taken off onto something else.  The wool remained in my Mum's knitting bag until tonight when I dragged the needles out and finished knitting the remaining rib.  It is a slightly different rib to normal but I am quite pleased with how it is coming up, despite the fact I had to unpick a few rows due to a wrong stitch here and there several times. Out of practice with the knitting.  I have now got to the decreasing row and have hit a bit of a snag,  I have therefore popped the needles down for now so that I can think through what I need to do; I think I know what it means, and I think may be open to interpretation, but I need to work out what is what before messing with the needles anymore as constant unpicking can ruin the knitting which is what I do not want to achieve.

I forgot to take a before photo - I had only worked half the rib when I started.  However here is a photo of where I am at the moment. Hopefully will be able to track progress from hereon in.

Friday night 24.02.23

I had another look at the pattern and another couple of play -about sessions working it in different ways but could not fathom out why I still had a load of unknitted stitches on the needle and with no direction as to what to do with them.

In desperation with the knitting pattern, I put out an SOS for some assistance with interpreting the pattern.  Thankfully a very nice lady called Joan came to my rescue.  Joan helped me see where I had gone wrong.  I had misread the pattern.  I am very grateful for her help, and have now been able to work quite a bit since then.  Thank you once again Joan.

I must say that I am very pleased with the way this is working up.  I love the colour of the wool.  It is a Hayfield Spirit, Sundown 100g wool.  I bought this quite a while back and I think it is still available.  I think my wool came from "Hobbycraft" (not an advert) so it may be worth a look there or on one of the other knitting websites. I have been knitting with Bamboo knitting needles.  These from my perspective are far smoother to knit with and not as many dropped stitches.  They do bend a little, but you can ease them out a bit.  I also get on quite well with a circular needle although as I have said I have used the Bamboo needles for this and other recent projects.

Saturday night 25.02.23

Back to doing a bit more knitting whilst I am sat watching the TV.

Quite a bit achieved tonight.  Very chuffed with progress.  If you look at the attached photos quite a bit knitted. 

Second photo shows where I have knitted from this evening.  I worked from the first Turquoise colouring where the tape measure is.

Realistically working this a little at a time when I am listening/watching TV might take a month to five weeks depending on what I have going on in the meantime.  Going to keep working at it though.  If I need to do a quick job inbetween times I might fringe the scarf and the shoulder shawls I have to finish as well.  Fingers crossed will get some completions shortly.

Sunday night 26.02.23

I have had today off and have spent most of it knitting.  Needless to say I have achieved quite a bit.

Where I finished off last night

Where I finished tonight

Monday night 27.02.23

Unable to get to knitting early as had several things to deal with including feeding of us, and animals.  When I did sit down there were a couple of You Tube videos that I wanted to see and so it was 9pm before I picked the needles up.  The dog managed to get taffled up in my wool whilst I was knitting and it got dragged into her water bowl.  Wool is now drying out on radiator.  Probably will be a couple of days although will check on it tomorrow.  Not a happy bunny as I only managed to get a couple of rows knitted. So no photo update today.  I am hoping things are dry by tomorrow!  Accidents happen.

Tuesday night 28.02.23

No go on the jumper front as the wool is still damp and will not knit up properly.  Plus I do not want it clinging to my fingers.

Therefore looking through my UFO projects and finding my scarf, hat and mitten set.  Scarf is knitted and needs fringing, however have yet to start them as well as the hat.  Had considered starting them but have found a pattern which I will use in due course.  Just not yet. Just need to locate a hat pattern and then should be able to start these to complete the set and also fringe the scarf.  Want all to match. Scarf is in knit stitch and I have found some mittens and some half gloves to work.  Turquoise colour which is one of my preferred colours. Funnily enough the scarf is knitted in the same wool as my next UFO project.

Therefore turned back to a cardigan jacket that I had started last year whilst away on holiday.  Have knitted quite a bit, but had not marked my pattern as to the size I was knitting, and had lost my paper record as to where I had reached to on the pattern.  Have worked out the sizing, and have also narrowed down to rows have worked.  As the pattern changes and has to be repeated five times I just need to sort out the right row.  This is for working one of the sleeves.  You knit it from the top down.  Just need to sit and work out on paper the exact row.  Have been through the pattern and marked up the size I am working  I normally do this but for some unknown reason had not marked it on this pattern.  Had knitted quite a bit of this, this has been knitted in Moss stitch a pattern I am very fond of.  So at least a little more progress although no actual knitting done.  I do plan on making more of these once I get sorted out a bit more. It should be ideal for wearing with jeans and skirts and probably dresses as well.

Wool for first project is still damp, and it will realistically be ready for knitting again on Thursday evening. At least I will have a project inbetween times to carry on with so that I do not waste any of that most valuable asset i.e. time.

Will update again next week as to where I am.  Will probably be Wednesday next week when I update.  I am aiming to achieve a little and often philosophy in relation to the UFOs and getting them out of the way with.  I have too many other projects calling my name but I am determined not to give in and start them until the UFOs are under control.  Then if there are any bits of wool left etc.  They can go into my scrap crochet blanket bag.  I am also aiming not to waste anything with the crafting as well.

Catch you soon.





  1. Well done with the UFOs. Perhaps next time wrap your wet wool in a towel or teatowel to absorb the worst of the wet? Anyway, you're making good progress with it.


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