Back to the......

Back Bedroom.  What a disappointment! Hopefully all this effort though will make my "future" a lot more hassle free and that I will be able to locate what I am after.  Well that is the hope.  So by taking a step backwards and dealing with things 

Yes have been in the bedroom tidying up today the mess that I made yesterday.  I knew I had a lot of embroidery threads and I had thought that most of them were contained in a large Lever Arch Box file - wrong I have found another carrier of threads. 

I have also found a big box of felt.  

A box full of goodies for making homemade Christmas decorations.  Including a little decoration I made a while back. This box also includes some of my real Mother of Pearl Buttons which I intend to use on some tree decorations in due course. I have already made a little heart tree decoration and have a sister decoration to make at some point.  Funny how you plan things out and then for one reason or another never quite manage to get back to things. Another box for the UFO projects as there are several in this box all Christmas related.

I have a stack of magazines to transplant downstairs.  These have now been done.  I am going to be going through these of an evening when I get sat down.  I did not get sat down last night and it did not do my back any good.  Even if it is only an hour or so enough time to sort out whether they are being kept, information being squirrelled away or whether the item is going to be sold.  I am getting a little pile of things ready for Ebay that although strictly would like to keep hold of, in reality I am not going to use them and so I am decanting them into a box and when I have a few things to hand will then list them; probably in the next few days. There is a right mish mash of items.

I am also later on today hoping to have a closer look at my Great Grandmother/Nan's dinner service in closer detail, but I will put up a separate post about that in due course.

I have found another poly tub full of cooking/baking/decorating equipment and another wooden vintage rolling pin.  This one is a beauty though and is one I intend to use.  The movement on it is lovely and the pin itself is nicely balanced.

I have found loads more Christmas decorations.

Another couple of bags of rubbish have gone into the dustbin.  No doubt there will be loads more to follow in due course.  Some of this is stuff that has been held on to for far too long.  Me I always keep things it is the "Squirrel in me".  It will be good to get things slimmed down a bit. I never have been minimalist.

Weather today has been hot.  Too hot which is why I have not been going too mad in the back bedroom and am concentrating more on tidying stuff up and sorting it out than diving into fresh boxes.

G for Father's Day was also bought a bottle of the Iceni Meadery Raspberry Mead by his son and daughter in law.  Prior to this bottle of Mead, G had a downer on Mead and could not tolerate it.  This bottle seems to have changed his mind though.  He is quite taken with it.  Turns out it is based in Peterborough and daughter in law's friend is the owner.  Must say very quaffable.

All Mead is sweet but this is delicious.

P.S.  It is a bit pokey. I have only had three glasses this size and it is making me a bit sleepy.  Think that might be done for the day xx

My Nan used to make Mead for my Uncle. Bee Keeping was a family tradition as my Granddad always kept his Bees and we always had honey.  That is until he got badly stung and had to give up the Bees as he became reactive. My Uncle kept Bees, as did my Dad. I have had training many years ago but have never been able to have my own cuz of the next door neighbour.  One day intend to put that right.

Have a lovely evening everyone.  I am downing tools now for the evening.

Catch you soon.




  1. Leading about all your work these past few days has inspired me to get some work finished! I spent the morning going through my large bedroom closet (which is used for much needed storage as I have two wardrobes for clothes) and I have sorted through, thrown out and reorganized a lot!
    As a bonus I found a bin full of first aid supplies which I had marked down to purchase! This lead to a big of a re-org of my large linen closet (where I also keep hygiene and paper supplies). Sorting a couple of shelves means that I had room for the first aid supplies and makes them much more accessible if needed.
    I have also emptied a metal shelving stand which I will now move to a new location to help corral a number of storage bins & boxes which are currently empty. I am reluctant to dispose of these as yet as they may be needed - or I may take them into the office to use there.
    I have enjoyed reading the posts and viewing the photos of all your seasonal items. I used to have a lot but have slowly been letting go of a number of items since I now live in a much small space (about 560sq. ft apt). I used to switch up colour themes each Christmas and at one stage would put up 3 different trees. But, I still have some lovely items and will try to be content with those.
    I was out to lunch with some friends yesterday and this topic came up - what to keep - what to donate or give away - who would want things and what to do with things we've inhierited. Something everyone seems to be dealing with.
    Meant to ask - are you planning on turning a bedroom into a craft room for yourself? It would be lovely if you could have everything to hand or even, on display and more accessible.

    1. Hi Margie, glad you felt inspired to have a go as a result of what I have been up to. Ever since we have lived here 37 years now we had intended to save up and buy our own home and I bought things I liked along the way with my pocket money many of which are new. Real life changed that instead I became a full time step-mum to my partner's two children. As they did not have anything by way of clothing that sort of thing despite my partner paying heftily for their maintenance £60 a week for both which was a lot of money then our focus changed. We nearly accomplished the house thing when the children were a bit older but that fell through as well as a result of changes to partner's employment. Her worked permanent nights and received over £200 per month shift premium for so doing. As we were buying the house they put him on permanent days and when you have children in the house let alone without buying a house it ended up falling through. Gallingly a month after this, he was put back on permanent nights. A lot of other stuff has happened as well so we have never been able to get back on a firmer footing. I still hold out that maybe one day "Pigs might fly" and that I will be able to achieve what I had set out to do in the longer term. I still hold onto that hope even though realistically I am aware it may never happen. You have to have something to fight for. I am dealing with peripheral stuff at the moment. I am thinning out that which I know I will not use now. I have not bought Christmas decorations for many years but I do have quite a collection and I also make bits and bobs as well. It keeps me occupied, keeps me happy and optimistic and as I have always had a stash of things to work from keeps me from spending anymore money as I am using that which is already to hand. I am sadly not minimalist on anything - that just is not me. It is all or nothing! I have two lovely nephews. One got married last year and the other is getting married this coming weekend. I am sorting out in my mind's eye my family pieces to offer them eventually if they would like. They will be given an opportunity and it is up to them whether they wish to take that up. If not I will make other arrangements for them. My Nan did a similar thing for her family, as did my Mum and Dad. However, I still have a dream I want to materialise. All I ever really wanted was children of my own and a nice home. I never managed my own children but my step-children have been given much love and brought up as if they were my own although it is always difficult blending two to three families together and sometimes I had to set about the adults and knock their heads together all for the sake of the kids. I would love a craft room, but space wise that really is not going to happen here. I have the use of a small multi room Computer room/Craft room/Study but I do not have space to lay things out properly. However it is better than none and I am grateful for what is rather than what isn't and trying to make the best of what I have. Yesterday I found one of my embroidery frames and clamp made of wood and I am going to attach it to my desk so that I can do little bits of embroidery as well. My hobbies have nearly always been home-based with cooking, preserving, sewing, embroidery, knitting, crochet, reading, listening to music, gardening etc.etc. My home is important to me and I am protective of that space such as it is. Hopefully this big clear out will help streamline things a bit more although I know that it will need more thinning down as time goes on. Not everything is always straightforward in life unfortunately but it is all about getting through at the end of the day. Take care xx


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