Evening Everyone

 I had a ball at my youngest nephew's wedding yesterday.  It was a lovely simple ceremony held within the Bedford Hall, Thorney near Peterborough.  They both brushed  up really well and the bride looked gorgeous.  I will not be posting any photos as it was their private day and they want the official photos to come out first which you can understand.  They had a roving photographer who kept trying to take photos of me  - I am a bit camera shy due to my Dad taking a lot of photos of us as children - it was his hobby.

However it was lovely to see everyone and meet up with my sister-in-law's family, who I already knew, however it had been quite a few years since we had been together, but it was good catching up.  It was quite poignant for me yesterday, and something I had not really thought about until my sister-in-law pointed it out, in that I am the last of my particular birth family (apart from my brother).  I have two smashing nephews.  My older nephew got married last  year but unfortunately I was unable to attend which I was quite upset about it.  Both have picked lovely ladies to be their life-partners and I am so very proud of the young men they have become.  It soon became apparent that we have very similar family traits when it comes to dancing and sweet things!  When I checked in with the family earlier on today, they were chilling out too.

There was a brilliant live singer throughout the afternoon and into the early evening, with a disco following on later on. We were fed twice, a big Vegan Grazing Buffet in early afternoon and then a Vegan Katsu noodle Curry or Cottage Pie, with fresh seasonal vegetables with wine, champagne and Elderflower fizz. All the guests were well catered for. The cake was a lovely sponge cake decorated with dried pressed pansies in the naked style and it looked and tasted lovely.  Needless to say we got on the dance floor when we could.  My bits learned wobbles they had forgotten about yesterday, but I was there to enjoy myself as were the rest of my family.  I shall pay for it during the week, and indeed have rested up today because of the aches and pains. I was also very tired.  Things did not move as freely as they used to so I am going to see if I can get an exercise routine in place to help ease things up a bit.  I have a rowing machine in the back bedroom which I am hoping to have a go at to see if that will help me a little bit.  When I was at physiotherapy last year I used a rowing machine as part of the physio for my core muscles so it is worth a shot.

Also the other day I found a heat massager in the wardrobe so I may well drag that out and put it into use to help with my frequently sore muscles.  So will see what I can achieve.  Need to do something.

I therefore intend to take things easy a bit until the muscles calm down a bit.  However, will start to do things again tomorrow.  I have a load of clothes to get back into the wardrobe.  I did not wear what I originally planned to wear which was a pale Turquoise jacket and floral skirt.  Instead  I ended up wearing a dark patterned navy skirt and white top with a navy jacket.

Back to the grind tomorrow.  Hope everyone has a lovely evening.

Catch you soon.




  1. That sounds like a lovely time! My son is the last one of my family. The one who will eventually be the only one left. I have no relatives. There are some somewhere out there but I don't know them. Rest up so then you can carry on.

  2. Sounds like a lovely wedding! Had to laugh at your comment about getting your photo taken - I am exactly the same way = I refer to it as my "childhood trauma" - dad was a good and keen photographer but it has made me a bit camera shy now! :-)


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