
 Another busy day where things have not quite gone to plan.  In terms of actually tidying things it has been a really slow day.  I have some of the boxes stashed more neatly now and more items into some of the other boxes.  It will be constantly like this until I get like things with like, but sometimes when you pack a box and then put it up you haven't got all the items in there.  As I am trying to get things together it is "bitting" backwards and forward all the time.

The other day I sorted myself out some button jars on my work desk.  Today the cat knocked them off and demolished one of the jars.  There were buttons of all different sizes and colours and glass everywhere.  When there is glass about I usually end up getting cut somewhere down the line and have to have a plaster on to stall the bleeding.  Not that I can keep a plaster on for long as they irritate me to high heaven.  Managed to get things sorted so that we have no more walking wounded though.

Also some more stuff turfed out and some more bits found for boxes that I have re-stacked for today.  Will have to look at that tomorrow though. 

We had a very nice tea tonight though.  I cooked the rest of the sausages we had and made a Toad in the Hole served with onion gravy, mashed creamy buttery potatoes, shredded steamed buttered cabbage and loads of onion gravy.  Went down very nicely indeed.  Followed by Strawberries and cream for afters.  Now stuffed.  However both items did what they said on the tin!

Been back into the bedroom this evening.  Turfed out an old oil heater which was playing up a bit.  That is destined for the recycling section of the local tip.

Have also sorted a few more boxes and re-organised the window and am clearing a passageway through so that can easily navigate the back bedroom to the top of the hallway.  Only temporary but yet again will be working on this a bit at a time.  At least now do not have to limbo over everything.  Need to find some boxes though as I have found two beautiful cake stands that I bought sometime back.  They need packing away carefully as they are fragile and I do not want to break them. They are too lovely.

Things did not go as planned on getting this post out sooner than later.  Hey ho it is just the depth that varies.

Hopefully will be back on track later.

Catch you soon.




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