Talk about going down the proverbial Rabbit Hole! Thursday Evening/Friday

Thursday Evening

I managed to get the window all sorted out, and the curtains washed.  I got the nets put up and that has tidied up the back bedroom window very nicely.  I will rehang the curtains once this corner is completely dealt with.  I have bookshelves to clear, dust, wash and then re-stack as well.

Basically what happens when I start clearing through things and come across stuff I have not seen for yonks. I wander down a rabbit hole! I have some old magazines namely Anna Burda ones that I have had for a lot of years and I have literally just stumbled upon a pile of them.  I have had a quick flick through but have steeled myself to put them to one side for the time being.  I am going to have to go through these as there are many publications that I wish to keep together with lots of patterns and also other needlework and crafting magazines with lovely patterns in them. There will also inevitably be some that I will let go in the longer term. The thing is I paid good money for them and in reality a lot of the patterns are not easy to find.  

Just as a small taster looking through three magazines I found a couple of Needlepoint cushion patterns one of them an Elizabeth Bradley Needlepoint cushion design and also an idea for an embroidered cushion cover which will tie in with another project I have to do. Also cooking recipes as well and a couple of samplers etc., etc., etc.  That was just with a quick flick through.

Earlier on today, I had managed to sort out a big dustbin liner of complete rubbish.  For many years I have chopped out recipes or patterns from magazines and retained them.  I have a folder that was stripped out today and a pile of articles to go through and pop away in the folder (the ones I am keeping that is) another day.  I was going to sit and do them tonight, but I am a little tired.

I have also found another rug that I started sometime back only in its early stages and initially started from scrap wool.  It is worked in double crochet and stripes in red, white, navy, blues.  At some point that will get carried on as well.  I think there may be a few more besides this that will appear in due course.  None of it will go to waste though.

I have also had a look into one of the four tubs I have for rubber stamps, paper crafting etc.  I have loads of different stuff in here too. I heavily invested in these but they will always be useful.  I have the Big Shot Die cutter which I have used a lot and intend to use a lot in the future as well.  I have also found some more coloured card and my Discs with images on for paper cutting.  However I need to get the printer sorted out with new cartridges, which is just a tad too far at the moment.  Will see what happens. On the list in any event.  This metaphorical/physical list is very long.


Awake early again a couple of times.  Lovely again as usual.  Then went to sleep when ideally should be up and about.  Beautiful warm and very hot muggy day.  I have a headache again so it is either a storm or barometric pressure which is high at the moment.

Usual breakfast morning shenanigans. G popped to the shop has come back with some sausages, bacon, chicken thighs, cheese.  We have another curry sauce in the fridge so there will be a chicken curry, sausages for sarnies or indeed a Toad in the Hole, probably sausages with mixed roasted veggies as well.  Chicken pie, is a possibility or even Hawaiian Sweet and Sour Chicken to be served with rice. There is always pasta as I have the cheese or indeed a homemade flan or quiche.  I have some puff pastry and so may make some bacon and cheese savouries as well.  Will see how it goes.  I think when it is a bit cooler later today I will go into the kitchen and get a few things organised.  We are having sausage sarnies later and G is on kitchen duty for a change.

Today I have sorted through four of my paper crafting boxes which has my Pergamano kits in it, stamps, punches, stencils, embossers glass painting stuff and also lots of paper, card, envelopes, stencils, embossing stuff that sort of thing.  Been a happy day rediscovering a lot of my crafting stuff.  Just must make sure that where I put it now it is going to be easily accessible.  I had not appreciate just how much paper crafting accessories I had.

I really need a dedicated craft room with all the bits an bobs I have to play with.  I also have my Mum's knitting machines all four of them complete with loads of accessories up in the loft!

I have also scrubbed out the corner, and am now in the process of putting storage containers back in a better fashion and so that I can find things when I want them.  There has been quite a bit of stuff discarded and there will be more to come.

Right am just going to get stuck into my tea.  A sausage and fried onion sarnie.  

Thank God it is Friday.  Have a lovely evening everyone.

Catch you soon.




  1. Gosh, such a lot of stuff there. Plenty to keep you occupied forever!!


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