Thursday Evening/Friday

Thursday Evening

Carrying on into the evening.  Have managed to find my coin collection.  It stems from a collection of old pennies that my Granddad (Pop) collected over the years in an old St Bruno's Tobacco tin.  Funny what sticks in your mind.  After Pop passed, I was given the coins by my Nan, still in their tin.  However as I have never been interested in smoking or been an advocate of it, I did remove the tin.  All my coins are now in an album.  I do not think that they are worth anything, but are there for interest only.

I then carried on and sorted a box that was collapsing out.  It was full of my needlework stuff so have popped it into two cases for the time being but they are going to have to be sorted out.  So today I have found quite a lot of my missing sewing stuff.  I have determined that all my sewing stuff is going to be stacked together so that I can access that easily in order that I can get on and do stuff in the foreseeable future once the foot pedal to my machine has been located.


Bright but a lot cooler day.  Much more comfier night's sleep last night and I slept near enough right through for a change.  I was even awake for the dawn!  Very fresh breeze.

I have spent most of the day dragging clothing and bits and bobs out of the front bedroom in readiness for me going out tomorrow.  Am not sure what I am wearing yet so that is up to negotiation.  Have sorted my jewellery out and also my hair tongs to try and tame my hair a bit.  Need to liberate my shoes and some other things from the main wardrobe and the walk in.  Still have to sort my hair out, but nearly there.

My nephew is getting married on Saturday.

Day started as usual with breakfast for everyone.  This was someone's breakfast this morning.  

Have only a few rashers of bacon and a couple of eggs left.  Surprisingly when I was looking around in the fridge I found some of the confit mushrooms that I made in a batch a while back and stored in the fridge.  They were fine and so added the mushrooms to pad his breakfast out with some fried bread as well.

At this time of the month things get quite tight on the fresher foods situation until payday. However Found a couple of jars of preserved confit mushrooms in the fridge that had been overlooked. Just the thing to pad his breakfast out a bit more. Mushrooms are meant to be good for depression and as G suffers from this quite badly and is Bipolar, if I have an opportunity to add them I do. The mushrooms are pretty easy to preserve but a very good addition to the Pantry stores. Recipe said to use Goose or Duck fat and as that is expensive I used lard which traditionally is the fat that was used to preserve food for the winter months. Fat residue left over is used for general cooking. They are tasty.  However I do strain well and sometimes pat down with kitchen roll to take some of the excess fat out.  The fat is purely needed for air exclusion to keep oxygen out, but it can also be used for cooking.

That will be it for me now on posting until Sunday when I will get back to sorting out the mess I have created and try and get it back into some kind of order again.

Hope everyone is well and keeping safe.

Catch you soon.




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