Tuesday Evening/Wednesday

Tuesday Evening

I went back into the back bedroom after tea, as has been my want of late.  I am not losing the plot, but before I can get on any further in the front bedroom I have some serious sorting out to do in the back bedroom.  As I have said it is slow work but I am turning up some lovely pieces as usual.  Including some of my Robert Opie Advertising reproduction collection which has been collected gradually over the years.  Most of it consists of fridge magnets as they are small and look good on a fridge or freezer.  I used to collect magnets from anywhere we went on holiday or paid a visit too.  Not quite sure where they are at the moment but hopefully they will turn up soon.

I have quite a lot of reproduction fridge magnets somewhere with lots more advertising bits and bobs and several other pieces here and there around the house.  When I locate them I will pop them up to share with you.  I also have a couple of vintage pieces from the Charity shop and also a couple of signs bought whilst down in Cornwall.  All intended for the dream house that has never quite materialised!  Got close once!

In any event I have long loved this advertising picture of "Bubbles" by the artist John Everett Millais.  There are more details here on Wikipedia about John Everett Millais and history, although many of us will associate it with the Pears Soap advert over many years.  I first had a smaller picture of this as a souvenir of a trip made to London with the school I went to.  We were in our final year doing exams and the school ran several trips down to London to see stage shows like Godspell and Jesus Christ Superstar, John, Paul, George, Ringo and Bert (stage show starring Barbara Dickson.  It was a lovely time, and in the period before going into the Theatre, we were often allowed to go shopping.  I really love live Theatre productions as a result.  

Sadly my original picture of "Bubbles" got lost somewhere down the line and I always promised myself I would replace it.

I had a suitable pine frame from the Charity shop for this, and so set too this evening and got it installed in the frame.  Quite chuffed with how this has come out.  Apologies for my photography though as I managed to get a reflection on the glass due to poor lighting.  Hope you get an idea from this.  Looks better in real life and proper lighting.

After a reasonably warm day, and without me having to wear a long sleeved top of some kind, in the end I had to put a sweatshirt on as things chilled down a bit and I started to get goosebumps.  My internal thermometer, gauge seems to be completely up the shute!


A very early start for me again this morning.  I was awake at 4:30am and saw the Dawn in again.  We had to get up to Missy and sort her out and so I was like "death warmed up" and ended up going back to bed.  Tomorrow is the Summer Solstice and I would like to be up to see that in but knowing my luck that will not happen.  Fingers crossed and toes plaitedx  It was beautiful this morning so peaceful and so calm despite living in a City.

Saying that though, I have been getting on in the back bedroom and I have also got more washing out on the line drying in the sunshine.  Bringing in fresh line dried laundry always smells lovely and fresh.

I have been pulling out the whole corner completely as a lot of papers decided to nose-dive behind everything and so I am trying to restore law and order and also get rid of any rubbish.  Also will sort the boxes out a bit better.

Tea tonight is some fresh fish.  Just cooked simply fried with some bread and butter.  We then have Strawberries and cream for pudding.  I do love Strawberry season.

Right am off to potter and get some more sorting done.

Fingers crossed I am awake to see the Summer Solstice in tomorrow morning.

Have a lovely evening everyone.

Catch you soon.




  1. We have a lovely day here in Minnesota, USA. I was able to plant some herbs. You are such a busy beaver! I am at an age where I need to put more thought into what to do with the things I have but don't use. I really don't want to, but time waits for no one. Hopefully you will get that back room sorta and done soon.

    1. Hi Sandra, pleased you have a lovely day. Can never have too many herbs always so useful. I have a lot of lovely things that I have thus far not always been able to enjoy to their full potential. I am busy skimming stuff out at the moment and preparing to sell some bits on Ebay and other stuff will go to charity shop. A lot will be kept as there is still the potential to be able to realise my plans for this. I am not giving up easily. I am getting rid of the stuff I no longer want or I do not think I will get made or use though. I do have a lot to do though most of which time is needed for. So it is slow going. Will get there eventually. Glad you have been doing a little bit though. It all helps. Take care Hugs Tricia x


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