Tales of the Pantry

 I have at long last been able to get started on the Pantry.  This time round though, I am not completely stripping the Pantry out.  I am cleaning, and re-organising shelf by shelf.  There is a method in the madness.  I have plans in the not too distant future of re-stocking the Pantry again in readiness for the Winter months on all levels.  I therefore need to be able to get stuff into the Pantry so it needs re-organising a little better so that I can get the goodies in there. There also needs to be room to store the Christmas puddings and Christmas cakes as well as some more preserves.  After all the efforts earlier in the year to strip the Pantry out and get it decorated I am keen to keep on top of it, keep it clean, keep it tidied with a steady rollover on jars of stuff and ingredients being used.  I have a Pantry even though it is not really big enough for my needs and that is all that matters. I am working with what I have to hand.  The Dream Pantry is a lot bigger and probably based more on a proper old fashioned Farmer's Pantry with shelving, cold slabs either slate or marble, cold storage for veggies and a separate one for fruits as well as dry storage. Also a traditional cold area for continuation of meat curing which I am particularly interested in. One day I will have that Pantry and it will be an area that will evolve based on need and practicality more than anything else.

There is a second reason to the madness in that a new floor is going in, in the Pantry and as I am in and out of the Pantry everyday in any event, its best if that gets put in as soon as possible in order to keep things clean.  The flooring in there is well past its sell-by date as is most of the flooring in the house.  Therefore a little bit at a time, room by room would seem to be the order of play where we can.  The main bathroom is the next one on the list, then the kitchen and the dining room.  Once the flooring is down in the Pantry, that is all the work done for the Pantry.

Sorting the Pantry will probably go into tomorrow in any event.  Think G has plans to do the flooring in the Pantry tomorrow as he would quite like his car back.  The laminate flooring is currently in there as we have no external storage at all. Therefore looking forward to getting this done as it has been so needed for an awful long time.  Hopefully there might be enough to do under the stairs as well.  Fingers crossed and toes plaited.  Bonus with the Pantry all the same.

I have not made as much progress today as I had hoped.  I have managed to sort one set of shelves down one of the walls and get that all neatly sorted.  However I will be returning to it in the morning.  Therefore the kitchen flooring will either get sorted later tomorrow or on Monday,  It will be a job well done at the end of the day.  And best of all, it will all be ready for me to go on the big re-stock shop that I have been threatening to do in the not too distant future. There is a lot of basic stuff that needs re-stocking. There is a lot of work to do, and a lot of work to come.

We have at least had another delicious tea a repeat of yesterday which has gone down very nicely with the minimum of effort.  Not quite sure what we are going to have tomorrow.  Might be the Italian sausages with roasted mixed veggies.  Yet again it might be a proper beef stew or even a chicken stew or a chicken soup as there is still some chicken to use up.  

Right am off to potter.

Have a lovely evening.

Catch you soon.




  1. I came upon your blog when you were in the middle of pantry redo. New flooring will be nice. You do have a lot on your plate.

    1. Hi Sandra, That Pantry re-do helped an awful lot, but I am always one to work away at things. The little bit of new flooring has made the Pantry "cleaner" and easier to clean which I am very pleased about. Have been waiting a long time for this. Apart from buying some hooks for the back of the door and making a couple of hanging racks, and perhaps a little patch up with some filler and another splash of paint in certain areas. The Pantry decorating itself is more or less finished. It will be the practical organisation and getting the preserves in the under-stair cupboard so I can get more dried ingredients into jars and on the shelves that will be the next part of the puzzle. It will happen eventually. I like to keep busy. Take care hope you are on an even keel health-wise at the moment. Tricia x


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