Getting organised

Definitely the boring bit! 

First of all need to get the basics sorted.  That means the Diary to plan forward with regard to events, seasonal foods, opportunities etc.  That means a physical page a day diary for me into which I add all the sorts of things that I make or potentially make in any one year as well as seasonal things to do.  It encompasses a whole load of items that I have found useful over the years.  I may not choose to do something in any one particular year, but it still remains in the list year by year as an option, just in case I change my mind.

A Page a Day Diary has proved the best option for me as I make notes as I go along with amendments and different ways of doing things.  I also plot the Wild Larder as much as I can in there as well.  It is my own kind of organised chaos and acts just as much as an Aide Memoire these days as well as a potential task lister.

I do not really like a computer diary as it does not allow enough space for my notes which tend to be copious at times and it sends you on rabbit runs from holes that sometimes you never quite get out of or want in any event.  This way on with the page a day diary I can see what is going on and there is something physical and tangible that you can refer back to year on year if necessary.  A paper trail and if perchance the Internet should go down - I roughly know what I am supposed to be doing.  I always was a Luddite.  In reality you probably need both systems running at the same time, but my reality is I grab the diary.

A place also to write in what seeds you have sown and what crops you accomplished.  A cover all eventualities central diary.

I was also taught that you do not open a new diary until the actual New Year as it is supposed to be unlucky.  In any event I have waited and am now starting to transfer relevant details for items to make at certain times of year, things to do whether that be in the house or the garden.  Seed planting and crops accomplished, crafting, meals, Wild Larder Seasonality, Seasonal Preserves to make.  Waste Not Want Not items and "something for nothing preserves" made out of Pantry ingredients or items that have been bought fresh and are to hand.  There are also birthdays, holidays, seasonal events all go into the Central Diary which over the years will become the Hub of information for running your home and stocking your Pantry.

In reality getting the Diary up and running will take a few days to get all the information transferred into the new diary and then from thereon-in, you will be adding to it, I promise you.  Once up and running you will be adding to it constantly. 

Then putting those items into action.  Each thing you do or make will add enjoyment to your family's personal life.  It may be only something simple but at the end of the day you only get out of something the amount of effort you have put into it.  Therefore growing herbs and some salad items is a must for me this year.  I chose last year not to do it and deeply regretted it as I did not have items to hand that I normally have, which scuppered one or two things.  We all have choices and at times they are priority led out of necessity, but where you can it does not hurt to add in a plant here, grow some seeds there, grow a few flowers for pleasure and scent.  All adds enjoyment to everyday life and the more you enjoy what you are doing the happier and more content  you are.

I am now off to start transferring all my notes and lists over by hand.  No doubt I will end up with writer's cramp somewhere down the line, but that soon goes.

No doubt I will be doing other things in-between, but for now the foundation needs putting in place so that I can plan what I can do, when I can do it and also be in a position to take advantage of anything that may come my way.  Once have got this sorted will be happier.  Sometimes you have to wade through the mundane to get to the nicer bits.

Hey ho here we go.

Catch you soon.




  1. I will be working on something similar this weekend as I have both a new "day-timer" and a new address book and both need to have a lot of info updated. I do keep some things on my phone or computer but still like to have something "in writing" just in case. I have normally used the Moleskin Week at a Glance Planner but don't find it quite big enough so I have a slightly larger model ready for this year. I always look forward to this task.


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