Outline Meal Plan for the Week
I have a rough meal plan in place for this week bearing in mind that I have a lot of work to do again this time not under as much pressure but work needs doing in any event. If meals are sorted and prepped it makes it easier to get on and focus on what needs to be done overall.
Breakfast: Cereal for me and a fry for G.
Main meal: Fish, Chips and Mushy peas followed by Ginger cake and custard for pudding. It is always worth making basic cakes like Ginger Cake, etc and using for pack ups etc. as well as using any lurking in the tin as a quick impromptu pudding with some custard to make sure everything gets used up and there is no waste. You can do the same with many plain cakes including a Victoria sponge. Can also vary it up a bit with a little bit of tinned fruit and cream.
Breakfast: Cereal for me followed by a hot Croissant, Blackberry jam and cream cheese. G had another fry up bacon, eggs and mushrooms.
Main meal: Sweet Chilli Melts and Beef Tray Bake with some additional Roasties. Pudding if required Ginger Cake and Custard if wanted.
Breakfast: Cheese on Toast for G and a bowl of Granola for me.
Main Meal: Duplicate of Monday night's tea as could not get duplicate meal into the freezer i.e. fish, chips and mushy peas with bread and butter. Pudding if required fruit and Meringue or fruit and ice cream.
Breakfast: Croissants with Blackberry jam and cream cheese for me. G will have a fry up.
Main Meal: Frozen Chinese style meal with rice Three meals for Ā£10 from Iceland three different ones. I will also add in some sweet peppers and pak choi, courgette, carrot and sweet potato and onion to a pan to add on the side. Pudding fresh melon slices.
Breakfast: Granola with homemade yogurt and coconut for me and Bacon and Mushroom butty for G.
Main Meal: Gammon steaks with pineapple with ice cream and fruit for pudding.
Breakfast: Buttered Cinnamon toast for me and G will have a full fry.
Main Meal: Toad in the Hole with mashed potato and shredded buttered cabbage. Blackberry and Apple sponge for pudding.
Amended to: Large Beef Cornish pastie and veggies with gravy for tea. Went down very nicely indeed.
Breakfast: G bacon and toast, me warmed Croissants and Blackberry jam and soft cheese.
Main Meal: Roast chicken with all the trimmings. I made the stuffing, homemade bread sauce from scratch. Served with mashed potatoes, roasted onion, potato and sweet potato, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, peas, and carrots. Went down very nicely indeed.
That should do for this week. No doubt it will get changed up somewhere along the line it always does. Trying to maximise time here well for this week in any event.
Catch you soon.
Lots of lovely meals - G is a lucky man. This is a soup and sandwich week for me with cold meats and cheese to be used up and then I will make a shepherd's pie tomorrow (ground lamb is already cooked and in the freezer) and that will do a couple of end of week meals along with a couple of servings for the freezer - a friend is coming to lunch on Saturday and I plan to take some stew out of the freezer and will add mashed potatoes - probably leftovers for Sunday. Need an easy week to catch up on some cleaning and organizing.