Jam Jar Suppliers

I have been browsing the web as you do via some adverts in the Home Farmer Magazine, which I hadn't seen before and have located the following company which seem quite reasonable on their prices and also offer a little more variety in jars and bottles. Their website is http://www.jamjarshop for those of you interested in having a browse. They certainly have the Bon_maman jars I was talking about in my earlier post.


  1. Brilliant thank you Trish, I have been looking for jars for ages. My friends are sick of me asking for spare jars, I used all mine up I have made so much jam.

    Hope you are ok.

  2. Thats a side effect of having a lottie - wish I had one. One thing I do is anyone who is kind enough to save me jars I always give a jar of jam or a mega jar or pickled onions etc as a thank you. I also give as extra Chrimbo presents, but there is a proviso - I have my own bottle return scheme. There is one simple rule return the jar or you don't get any more the following year. Seems to work so far. Another friend saves me the Kenco coffee jars in different sizes and I use them for storing whole nutmeg and spices, lentils, dried lemon verbena, mint, sage, parsley etc. etc. as storage jars are so expensive - that's why I like lurking in charity shops or car boots as you can always pick up something like this for next to nothing and when you haven't got many pennies thats a boon. Take care - sounds as though you and Edwin have been enjoying yourself gallivanting. Please pass on my regards



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