Sage, Sage and More Sage

Well my Sage Plants have expanded from last year and I seem to have quite a crop, this early in the season. I have two different sages a Variegated variety known as an Ictarina Sage which is a marled yellow and green and a bluey grey variety both are growing into each other. It is obviously very happy where I have it. It also seems to be thriving in the window box as well.

Because I use so much Sage in cooking I want to make the best of what is growing in my small garden. Home dried rubbed sage is very full of flavour and I hope to grow on some more plants and have them dotted around the garden. I haven't quite worked out how many plants will supply me with all I need in any one year, together with having a surplus for passing on to family members and friends. This is a custom I am well used to as my Nan used to pass on any excess items to those who didn't have the luxury of a garden. I am of course ostensibly thinking of saving pennies here as usual.

I intend to make a couple of swags from a very thick string (a jute cord) and then simply hang little bundles of chosen herb along the string to dry, but whilst it is drying it will look decorative, until it is dried [as if I had made one of these expensive garlands] and then it can be replaced with fresh bundles of herbs, with the dried herb being stripped from the stalks/stems and either rubbed or the dried leaves preserved and put up for future use. Or why not buy (or if being adventurous make your own wreath base from willow or twigs) and deck with chillies,bouquet garni bundles, little bundles of fresh sage and thyme, etc and then pass on as a gift to a friend for a present. Its practical too as you can use the herbs off the wreath and then add fresh to dry as you go along. It need not be a big wreath a small one will do just as well.

I do apologise for lack of photos at the moment, will update when I have found the camera lead!


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