Elderberries Everywhere

I think I should be called the purple people eater, I have purple sticky hands, a purple sticky floor, stained purple blotch jeans (despite me being careful) [beware of low flying elderberries they are extremely viscious and leave their mark.I now have 8lbs of prepared elderberries and a bag of stems all from one large carrier bag of elderberries.  Will have to be cooked tomorrow, but at least the fruit is prepared.  In the fridge for tonight.  Need to get some apples to do some elderberry jelly both plain and spiced - might look out for some crabs as they are tart enough.  Also considering  a chutney, a relish, the Pontack Sauce,  Elderberry Rob, a cordial, Elderberry jam, and Hedgepick fruits (bottled).  I am off foraging again in the morning so I think it could be an early start.  Tomorrow I am after Rosehips, Hawthorn berries, nettles, horseradish and maybe some more elderberries for wine.  I do need to locate some apples pretty pronto though.  Have been looking through my Glennie Kindred book about the Guelder Rose fruit which says they can be cooked as a substitute for cranberries and made into a sharp jelly. Might have to explore that one a little more.

Right then I am off to bed.

Take care wherever you are

Catch you soon



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