Saturday Roundup

We had plans for today but sadly they did not come to fruition.

In the craft room/computer room we do not get very good television reception and when we are both watching different things on our computers or on the TV well the signal just dies which is very frustrating and sometimes we miss the end or bits of what we have been watching as a result of the up and down signal.  Part of the problem relates to the fact that there was a TV aerial in situ when we moved here about 28 years ago.  That serves the front part of the house. and we have been mooching about getting a second one put up on the back of the house where the signal is absolutely dire. Even the mobile phone signal dies in the back of the house.

OH had contacted someone to do the installation today but they had to cancel as one of their installers had failed to turn up to work.  So OH rang around and found somebody who could.  However by the time he got here it was dusk and so it has been put off until next week as he would not have been able to see what he was doing by the time he got on the roof.  We were hoping that we would have had it all done and dusted ready to watch the Rugby but never mind.

I woke up with an extremely painful back this morning, so much so I have had to slap a load of Ibruprofen gel on.  Trouble is when I go to sleep I die and if I remain in the same spot most of the night that's when it cripples me. So I have not done as much as I had planned but have sat to ease things off and I must say I am feeling a little better than I did. Never mind these things are sent to try us.  I do have a hospital appointment on Monday though with the Arthritis clinic so I shall mention it then as I am slowly getting a lot stiffer than I was. I still get a lot of exercise as I walk to work every day, but its too much to do the return journey like I used to so OH picks me up. 

Its blooming cold again.  Even the cats are not tarrying very long and are very eager to get back into barracks where its nice and warm. That is a novelty in itself as Demetri in particular will not come in unless he is ready or unless I wrestle him.  He enjoys the cuddle really. 

I had a delivery today from Ideal World of the Debbie Shore Sew Inspired publication. I bought the first one and was very taken with it. I already have a lot of her books, and like the simplicity of her approach and the designs. I had not been able to find the second one anywhere and then I was browsing the other day on the Create and Craft site and noticed that they had it. 

They usually work out pretty good value as you end up with some gifts  approximately Ā£30 worth in this one a free CD Rom  on how to make 5 exclusive purse patterns a free satchel pattern, a little bird stencil, together with loads of other tutorials.  I thought that this might be another good way of obtaining patterns for different things that are not too complicated to make up as presents and Christmas presents.  As usual I am keeping all my options open and stockpiling bits and bobs in anticipation of having a major play. In reality probably when OH goes fishing again but if I can get in before then I will do.

The third one I believe has been aired today on Create and Craft so I am a little behind the times, but I shall get the third one come pay day.

Once the computer room/craft room has been returned to normality I will be able to seriously play. 

OH has been painting the computer room/craft room out.  The walls are painted and look good. He has started the gloss work but it is taking some time to dry and he has to keep working it because it dribbles. (I am not going there just keeping me and the dog away from the paint, mind you keeping Missy away from her window seat is tantamount to setting ourselves up to fail.  We have had two near misses so far today in that respect. We do not fancy removing gloss paint from her either).

Once the aerial has been sorted next week will be able to get the television on the wall as well out of harms way which in turn will clear one of the desks for the sewing machine(s).  Now once I find the rest of my sewing kit - its in there somewhere it will be all systems go.  I have a new foot for my sewing machine and also some new bobbins.

The calico arrived safe and sound the other day so that is the fabric for the embroidered Christmas quilts purchased. That means when I get sorted a bit I can print off the designs and start working them, then all I will have to do is find a nice Christmassy fabric and some wadding to back them.  I intend making two.  The embroidery will be something I will be able to do when watching or listening to the television or some music.   All the outlines are freebies on my Pinterest site which are to be worked all in red embroidery thread on the calico cream background. I shall use the suppliers again as it is quite good quality at Ā£2.66 per metre. 

I need some more for my other quilt for my bedroom the one that is to be worked from lace, pieces of linen, embroidery and patchwork in pinks, creams and greens and also from hand quilted outlines.  The peppermint spot fabric I also ordered off line has also arrived, and I am equally chuffed with that as it is a Rose and Hubble cotton fabric so I am starting to get bits together.

I really do need to go to Kisco in Leicester.  OH has in theory said he would take me but I need to do a little saving first.  Kisco in case you do not know is a warehouse specifically selling cotton fabric mostly for patchwork but the prices are extremely reasonable and when my friend Anne took me there from (Sweet Blondie Blue Eyes blog

- I had never seen so much fabric in all my life or so much choice, but I do hope to get there shortly.)

Going back to the seeds and plants I managed to pick up some cress seed the other day, three packets and two rhubarb plants called "Raspberry Pink".  I intend to get some more as we like rhubarb in this household and it is very useful for puddings, (freezing and bottling), making jam, making wine, making chutney, but I intend to have some other different varieties too.

Right upwards and onwards.

Hope life is treating you fairly and that you are keeping safe and warm.

Catch you soon.




  1. Hi Patty
    I missed issue 1 of that magazine, but got issue 2 - I ordered issue 3 at 11pm on Friday night as anything that Debbie Shore does on Create and Craft sells out so quickly - there are a number of her tutorials on YouTube too - I've done a number of her zippered pouches as Birthday presents for this year - she explains how to do things so clearly
    I'm not surprised that your arthritis is playing up - you've worked so hard and achieved a lot since xmas - you must be feeling shattered - I didn't know about that store in Leicester - we're in Shropshire but it might be worth a ride out over to that neck of the woods one of the days especially if it's that good xxx

    1. Hi Trudie I knew part 3 was being released this weekend. I shall get it come pay day. I have been on You Tbe today browing tutorials on all sorts of things and saving them for further viewing. I think she is ideal for someone who does not have much experience as well as those of us wwho know how to but are a bit rusty. I intend to do a lot of things this year for presents making them myself but I have been particularly taken with the Canadian Smocking. My Nan made me a load of these when I first moved in with OH and she gave me the grid to have a go myself just with no explanation so I am well chuffed that she is covering this in so much detail I still have my Nan's chart. Here is the link for Kisko

      It is a membership type scheme and they are only open on certain days so it pays to keep in touch with the website. I hope this helps. Lifetime membership of the membership is Ā£5 and you can join on your first visit. Hope this hekps Trudie. The fabric is an awful lot cheaper and I mean an awful lot.


  2. This damp weather is awful for conditions like yours, but fab you still walk to work, good for you honey. Hope you get all sorted and find time to play and create, hope hospital goes well Tricia ..thinking of you.xxxx maria

    1. Hi Maria, I am determined not to give in. Unfortunately it seems to have plagued both sides of my family or different derivants of it. Still have not had chance to play I believe that will be when OH goes fishing where I will just down tools for the weekend and play big time. Thank you for our kind thoughts. It means a lot. Pattypanxx

  3. Thanks Patty have already been and had a look and it does look a lot cheaper and I see what you mean about the opening days and hours so will remember that - Good luck with your present making activities - will you be having a go at the Canadian smocking? I brought some of Debbie's English paper pieces a couple of weeks ago and have been doing some patchwork recently thanks again Patty - have a good week xxx

    1. Trudie

      You are welcome. I think you will find when you actally go there will be a lot more bargains than you anticipate. The premises are actually old bulidings so if it is a cold day wrap up warm but what they had to offer was mind blowing. A lot of people who make patchworks to sell on a regular basis use Kisko to source their fabric. When you get much of the larger suppliers charging at least Ā£10 a metre or the likes of John Lewis nearer Ā£16. It may also be worth ringing up before you go just to make sure they are open as we wouldn't want you going all that way for nothing. I think you will be more than pleasantly surprised - it blew my socks off when I went and that was at least five to six years ago I think. I intend to have a go at the Canadian Smocking as I have my Nan's template and the tutorials from Debbie so its one of the things on the agenda. I have a couple of patchwork cutters for the Big Shot OH bought me which I have yet to play with a triangle template and a hexie. I intend to add more a few at a time as I am not too clever with a Rotary cutter. I was looking at the dies that Debbie has bought out also. When OH goes fishing I intend to have a weekend playing and just intend to down tools and get stuck in. Cannot wait. Hope you have a good week too. Take car sweetie. Pattypan xx


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