Well I hadn't Planned on It
However I have managed to source, sort and organise meals for more than the whole week. I only went round to the Co-Op to get a chicken - I forgot to get a joint out of the freezer last night - it happens (must be my age) and I came back with:
2 packs of stewing steak
2 large chickens (2 chickens for Ā£10)
2 Packs of Mince (reduced to Ā£1.50 per pack)
2 packs of pork loin steaks (Reduced to Ā£1.50 pack) 2 packs of sausages
2 bags of frozen peas
Steak Pie
The stewing steak is destined for a massive stew which should last us two days theoretically.
The large chickens one we have had tonight the other is destined for the slow cooker.
The mince is destined for a lasagne and a cottage pie.
The pork loin steaks OH will have with some beans or I will put the meat through the mincer and make some individual pork pies (will have to make some pastry of course). The bulk of these can then be frozen and brought out for pack ups as and when.
2 packs of sausages, one has been partially used with the chicken the rest OH will have for sandwiches or breakfasts. The other will be for toad in the hole.
The peas are destined for pea and ham hock soup or pea and bacon soup.
There is also a very nice steak pie to have with hot veggies.
So that's the meals more or less sorted for the week or more.
We still need warm nourishing food especially with the temperatures being very low and it being very cold at night.
However I saw Mary Berry's cooking programme during the week and she made her version of salad nicoise which looked scrummy so that may well be on the cards as well. I have plenty of tuna in stock and eggs, I have salad but will see how the weather is as this can always be used in sandwiches for pack up etc. so it does not go to waste. I also have anchovies in (not that I am keen on them but they add a certain je ne sais quoi) to the dish. Mary Berry also uses advacados and I have a couple of these. Can use them with salsa and chilli if the salad nicoise does not come to fruition.
Even though the food is planned for more than a week OH is off his food at the moment so it will depend very much on what he fancies to eat. For tomorrow nights tea might will do cold chicken and bubble n squeak cakes and then bung the rest into a casserole to make chicken stew. The carcass can go for stock.
So plenty of options and plenty of food - I know I am lucky but I have not paid through the nose for these making use of bargains where I can.
Tonight's tea was delicious and went down very well.
Right better get a wriggle on. I have the Hospital Physiotherapist tomorrow for my feet.
Catch you later.
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