
Its been a really busy day and I am shattered. I have been to the hospital and saw N my previous Physiotherapist, who happens to be the head honcho.  She recognised me and said  jokingly I do not normally get people back.  Told her its a different thing this time. Last time it was my back this time its my feet according to my consultant that is causing problems with my back. N gave me a good going over and believes the problem with my feet is my bunions! She thought it might be the optimum time to get them sorted once and for all I have indeed gone down on my arches but she believes that even if I paid out for the expensive insoles it would not solve the problem.  She wants a second opinion and has asked that I get my GP to refer me to one of the foot Consultants at the hospital. Both feet need doing. I have also stiffened up quite a bit round my hips and I have some general simple core exercises to do for the next month before she sees me again to see if that will free me off a bit.  There is quite a difference between one side and the other. I have to work on this for the flexion.  I also have no upper arm strength either.  One of the core exercises  jokingly referred to as the "Tom Jones" mainly because of the hip action! I have to do some first thing in the morning and then at night.  So I now know where I stand.  It is not helping because I am sat a lot at work; through necessity although I am getting up on the hour and moving around.  She is pleased that I am walking a lot to try and keep myself fit.  So I have some work to do.  I have to go back at the beginning of April.

Last night after writing my post on the Tefal Jam machine I located the old one and I have been able at long last to remove the pan from the base which thus far had not managed to do.  I am going to have another shifty at it and if I can get it working again. If I can I will and if I have both working (fingers crossed and toes plaited) it will mean that I will be able to process quite a bit of stuff between the two machines which ultimately will save me some time. (multi-tasking on a different level). Here I really am hoping.  So I am going to have another shifty at it to see if anything can be done.  When it originally broke down OH could not get it apart yet when I tried last night it just came apart.  I can but try.

Update: Its come apart several times this evening and the computer on board seems to be working.  The only way I will find out is to make a batch of marmalade or some jam and see if it jams (excuse the pun) then.

Right must get a wriggle on. (more hip action before I get to bed)

Catch you later on.





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