Fresh Flat Leaved Parsley and other Herbs

Yesterday after writing my post and mentioning that we had Lemon sole for tea today I got the strongest yearning for home made fresh parsley sauce.  Its something that my mum used to make on a frequent basis but its something I have not had for years.  So when I popped to the shop  it seemed like serendipity that they had fresh flat leaved parsley on the shelf.  Its as though it was there waiting for me - speaking.  So what's a girl to do but gab a bag and that is what I am going to serve with the Lemon Sole, as well as a few petit pois, home made chips and a couple of lemon slices with bread and butter.  Any herb that is left over I dry and store in jars for use during the winter months.

I got a pot of Basil yesterday as well for use to make home made pesto to go with the stuffed pasta I bought from Waitrose.  Any that is left will go into ice cube trays and be stored in the freezer  for future use.  We pay a lot for the herbs in any event so I do not want to waste any if I can help it.

There has been a definite herb feel to my cooking this week.  On Saturday we had fresh home made mint sauce.  I have used garlic, and herbes de provence (dried version).  I have bought coriander for making coriander and carrot soup.  It is probably the lighter evenings and new foodie items starting to come on the super market and shop shelves.  The fresh mint has also been used in Raita (natural yogurt and fresh mint) using it as a dip with chilli Doritos for OH.

Basil, Parsley and Mint are herbs that I tend to grow and harvest myself in any event but I want to get the garden all sorted before I start sowing my seeds and plan for continuous cropping.

Although I did check in Waitrose yesterday to see what herbs they had in but they have not got what I am after yet.  But I shall keep looking.

For my birthday I am hoping for some money towards some plants and fruit bushes and maybe a couple of trees.  I would also quite like a garden swing so that I can spend time in the garden relaxing but we will have to see how things go.

On that note I hope you all have a lovely day.

Catch you later.




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