Lists to help me remember

There are things I need to do come the beginning of the month so I thought I would start off my lists again to enable me to do some of the things I wish to do. they are a rolling list so some things may get done and others fast forwarded on a TODO list depending on fluidity and time available.

1.  I need compost to set up some of my seeds and also to plant up some bulbs I managed to get cheaply.  So compost is definitely on the List.  I do have a little compost in already but not enough for what I wish to achieve - I have a lot of pots and planters to make up and quite a few seeds.

2.  I would like a couple of standard marguerites.

3.  A couple of standard lavenders.

4.  A couple of standard rosemary plants (step son gave me a voucher for my birthday bless his cottons) so I think will use this towards them.

5.  Replacement herbs for the herb garden:  I need the following:

Lemon balm

6.  Weed Killer.

7.  I need to set some troughs of salad leaves, pea shoots, beetroot, spinach, carrots and also some cucumber pots and tomato pots as well as  courgettes yellow and green, nasturtiums and sweet peas.  some of the seed sowing can take place first thing of a morning before I disappear to work. I have some mini cloche covers to go over a seed tray although I need to obtain some more. I also have the beans to deal with.  Might have an hour later on this one tonight.

8.  Need to clear mums of our stuff.

9.  fruit bushes.

10.  Climbing roses, honeysuckle, clematis.

11.  A couple of grape vines.

That will do for starters although I am looking for some fruit trees as well that I can keep in pots to start with.

There's lots to do as always. 

Right had better get a wriggle on to get ready for tomorrow.  Its going to be a busy day.  I have half the day off as I have a physio appointment in the afternoon I have to walk there and walk back so that is going to be most of the afternoon gone by the time I get back home and am able to start pottering at home.

Catch you soon.




  1. Wow! I see a lot of gardening in your future. Your garden sounds like it will be amazing. I have a long list of "outdoor" things that need to be done, and an equally long one of "indoor" stuff that needs to be done. The lists grow longer faster than my knees let me get them done.

    This year I am growing flowers and herbs only. No tomatoes, potatoes or squash this year. Last year I only got one tomato. The squirrels around here find all kinds of ways to get at the tomatoes and either bite into them or carry them off. The potatoes I grew last year were only enough for a few meals. My squash plants last year didn't survive. So this year I'm sticking with flowers and herbs.

    This year my chives had so many flowers on them that they looked like there were beautiful lavender colored clouds hovering over the flower pots. My zinnia seeds are just sprouting now, and roses are blooming beautifully, I have my other herbs and flowers in big flower pots because my bad knees now make it too difficult to garden in the ground. I planted a big flower pot full of sweet marjoram last week. It is one my very favorite herbs. It is already taking off and growing beautifully. It seems to like being planted in a pot with only marjoram and not sharing space with other herbs. I've never had it grow so quickly before. Hopefully the naughty squirrels will stay out of the marjoram pot.

    I hope your physio appointment goes well.

    Have fun in your garden!

  2. I've always been a great list maker, they go me to stay organized and on top of things. They are also great for'things I'd like to see and do'.

    1. Hi Rowan

      I have always been a prolific list maker and regularly ticked off things and made new lists with the things left to do. However after losing mum last year I sort of lost my stride a little bit and got overwhelmed. I am desperately trying to get back into a routine again although it is not coming easily at the moment. I will get there. Hence me popping up the list on here as it can politely "Swear" at me and remind me each time I come on. Take care. Pattypan xx

  3. Hi Susie

    My garden has just been cleared as it was a right jungle will show pictures later and we still have a bit of clearing to do. I just love growing seeds and having a go. Hopefully when I have the rest of the garden cleared I will be able create a small garden growing patch again but for the best part it will be containers I fear this year unless I get a wriggle on. I have an oregano that has survived from last year. However I like growing seeds from scratch but I will have to buy some fully formed plants as otherwise I will not have anything and I do like a spot of home grown produce especially for preserving for the winter months and for general eating. You can make a vinegar from the chives and chive flowers which looks really pretty. We occasionally get squirrels in the garden but not to the extent that you have them it would seem. Yellow courgettes/zuchinni are a bit favourite as you can eat them raw and they look so pretty as well as nasturtiums which I also grow in pots. I know what you mean about knees. I struggle but have been told to keep going at all costs so I get a nice thick knee pad or two and that helps I just need a hand getting up once I have got down. Physio normally puts me through it a bit but with falling the other day I seem to have jarred my lower back and hip. Hopefully some of the walking I have to do today will help free it off before I get to her otherwise she will put me through the mill. take care and lovely to hear from you.

    Tricia (aka pattypan) xx


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