Apology to Dawn and Trudie
I still have not got the knack of writing posts on my phone or approving comments. In fact I am terrible at it. Give me a proper keyboard and I can do everything I should be doing but small buttons on a phone its a bit hit and miss. I seem to have deleted a message from Dawn and two messages from Trudie before I even got to read them properly. I do apologise profusely purely accidental. If you would be good enough to repost I will make sure this time that they are posted.
Ever so sorry trigger happy on a mobile!
Ever so sorry trigger happy on a mobile!
That's no problem Patty - you can always tell when I've put a comment on a blog from my phone because there's usually either a spelling/grammer/punctuation mistake - mind with my memory I can't remember all I did say in those comments! I think it was that I hoped you were feeling better after your bad headache and the only thing I've picked and preserved this year was rhubarb from the allotment xxx