I am a wee bit tired

This evening but that may be due to the fact that I fell asleep reading a book with my glasses on my head and the lamp still on.  Even OH was out for the count.  Must have been more tired than I thought.

Well I popped up to the market and decided that there was not much there piquing my interest today and so I have left it for another week when I possibly will have more time and be tidier.

On the way home I got other half to nip me to Dunhelm as I needed a new ironing board cover and padding as I have a pile of ironing to do so wanted to make sure it was all plain sailing.  It is a larger board and trying to get the right sized ironing board cover has been a nightmare but we have got there in the end.  Yet again I will make some covers in the next few weeks but so that I could get cracking I needed one here and now.  If I make some spares that means I will not have the shenanigans I have had this time round. 

I was not long in Dunhelm but they really had some lovely bits and bobs in there.  I will return another time as I was quite taken with one or two items especially a bedding set which would be suitable for the back bedroom for guests.  And especially on the fabric front and the cooking front.  I have bought a big reel of white cotton as I want to get cracking with the sewing machine - I have bobbins but could not locate my cotton and I have a stack of it.  Maybe when I get into the bedroom I will find what I am looking for.

We have just had another major downpour been going on and off all day.  Would you credit it we now have lovely bright sunshine.

I have nipped on here whilst tea is cooking.  OH has Hunters Chicken and I have some veggie soup.  I  did not fancy much and when I am like this it I better that I have something nice and simple and comforting like the soup but with some bread and butter.  I might have a few more bhajis I had some last night served with onion and garlic dip and sweet and sour sauce.  I am going to get stuck in, in the dining room.  It is the through room and I have quite a lot of toing and froing through the house to do this weekend and so it is important that we can get through there as easily as anything all in order to empty the bedroom as best as I can and get the contents to the unit.

Right I had better get moving I have an awful lot to do.

Catch you sometime soon.




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