Monday Evening part 2

When tidying in the kitchen earlier on I came across a stone of pickling onions that did not get done before Christmas.  The others had, these hadn't and as I do not like wasting anything and as they were still in excellent condition I set too.  

As said net of onions was in the way and I had no particular place to put them immediately to await processing another day,  I decided that it was probably best to start processing them and that is what I have done for this evening.  

Half a stone of pickling onions is now salting overnight and I will finish the rest off in the morning.  They will go into the vinegar tomorrow evening.
Unfortunately with my hands being in albeit hot water whilst processing the onions they have eventually gone cold and then I have gone cold so have had to stop processing them this evening.

I have another stone of shallots to prepare as well however I think I will do them later on in the week.

I also have some beetroot to do as well.  So some more goodies for the pantry shelf.  They will soon get used up though.

It has gone very cold again outside this evening, it is a clear night but very cold however at least it is warm in the house.

So even though I have not got as much done as I had hoped this evening, I am a little further along, and have some produce in preparation for the pantry shelf.  that is a win win.  Still a lot more to do though.

Catch you soon.




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