Friday Roundup

 Friday was a very cold and wet day with quite a bit of snow.  The only reason you knew that there had been snow was the windscreens were full of deep ice when we had to go out in the car later in the day. In one sense although I do not cope well with the cold, cold weather does a lot of good when it comes to pest control for gardeners. 

There was quite a bit of phoning around first thing organising a new meter card for the replacement meter. with British Gas. We then had to locate a Pay Zone point to get the new card and put some pennies on it. The local shop to us was down Gladstone Street and was a bit of a beggar to find not helped by one way streets at all. When we did find said shop the Internet was not working and we had to go over to Bader Close where fortunately we were able to get the replacement card and get the meter topped up.  Now that has been accomplished I think we will be able to do everything online from now on in.

Before going out I went online on the Argos site to organise a couple of extension cables so we also collected them whilst we were out and about.

I still have a lot of work to do in the dining room, most of the cleaning has been completed although I still need to wash the ceiling.  Need the big girl ladder for this.  Me going from 5 foot 5 inches in height to 5 foot 2 inches makes it more difficult with a small ladder when cleaning. I am missing those extra inches! There is still a lot of sorting out to do in finding homes for things but there are a few things that need to happen first. The kitchen needs totally stripping out and the contents in cupboards need reorganising to reflect my current needs. There is kitchen equipment camped out all over the house.  It is equipment I use regularly so I need to be able to access it reasonably easily. So gradually everything will be in its proper place more by a method of evolving as I carry on with the different stages of organising from room to room.

Under the stairs cupboard also needs sorting out as does the pantry. More rearranging and organising in here to do.

I am sure I can fit further server ware in the dressers it just needs a bit more reorganisation.

The fireside cupboard in the dining room needs reorganising as do the contents of the dressers. I have a collection of vintage vases which need to be put out of the way of the cats.  Some of them currently reside on top of one of my Welsh Dressers and there have been a couple of recent casualties.

Since breaking the back of the work in the dining room I now have floor space for sorting things out.  I can also potentially  see space eventually on my dining room table once the items currently stacked on there find their home. I am quite excited by this as it will in the longer term open up a few more options for me both on the cooking and crafting front.

I have always wanted a big farmhouse kitchen and my dining room furniture which is all pine was bought with this in mind.  This has been my plan and focus for many, many years.  However we all know that in real life plans do not always pan out as we have planned. When this happens you have to go with the flow and deal with things as is rather than as we wish. It is not the journey or the events that happen to you which are important in the greater scheme of things.  It is how you deal with things that occur overall and make the best of whatever comes your way.  S... happens.  It is just the depth that varies.You have to make the best of what is available to you.  I currently only have a tiddly galley kitchen with not enough room to swing a rat. It does not for the best part restrict me although practically speaking I could do with a bigger workspace and a much bigger pantry. As a result my kitchen furniture is in what is the dining room.

I am sat quietly on my own but with the two cats fast asleep as I write this, and I have a small glass of Amaretto to sip and enjoy in the moment as I tap away at the keyboard writing this post. I am tired after all the efforts of the past 10 days or so. My work still has a way to go, but I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Just a tiny speck but it is there on the horizon. I know that one day thinfs will happen to help me realise my dream.

Catch you soon.




  1. Good luck you to you, you are determined so you will reach your goal.
    Best wishes.
    Pam in Texas.


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